PPIB MD removal to be deliberated upon in next BOD meeting


ISLAMABAD: Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB) board of directors are set to deliberate upon whether to remove the current Managing Director, Shah Jahan Mirza in its coming meeting.

This was revealed by a senior official of the Power Division, reported Business Recorder.

The dismissal of MD Shah Jahan Mirza has been on the cards since the Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi issued verbal directives during a meeting on energy issues where he called for his removal.

The official privy to these details shared opinion has been received from appropriate ministry and a formal summary is going to be put forth in a coming meeting of the PPIB board as a formal agenda item.

According to insiders, the Minister for Power who is also Chairman PPIB isn’t in favour of current MD, Mr. Shah Jahan Mirza.

In this regard, MD PPIB had requested the help of State for Power Division, Abid Sher Ali to persuade Awais Leghari to not call for his ouster from his current position.

And officials inside PPIB disclosed a written agenda presented by Mr. Leghari had talked about the merger of PPIB with AEDB, which would change the entire dynamics and profile of the organization would be enhanced.

Mr. Leghari sought permission of the board members with respect to re-advertisement of the MD, PPIB post. He had during the presentation expressed appreciation over the current MD’s performance in adding thousand of watts to the national grid.

Representative from Sindh province asked about the remaining term left of the MD PPI. He was informed that his tenure is set to expire in September 2018.

The Sindh representative was off the view that since PPIB and AEDB were undergoing merger, it was recommended that the current MD would be in a better position to manage the affairs and shouldn’t be removed from his post during this transitionary period.

However, Mr. Leghari stated the present MD will keep on doing his work till a new selection was completed.

MD Punjab Power Development Board (PPDB) stated since the current MD’s employment was governed by rules and clauses under PPIB Act, it was advisable that be taken into consideration whilst reaching a decision about the tenure and security offered by the act.

While discussing the legal aspect, the Director Legal Affairs stated per PPIB Act, the federal govt could designate a new MD on two grounds, either when the current MD’s three-year tenure concludes or if it removes the incumbent from his position.

However, a removal would be considered a penalty due to disciplinary action.