PTCL Group conducts successful 5G trials

First ever Remote Surgery Demo conducted in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: PTCL Group has successfully tested 5G technology in a special ceremony held at its headquarters, a statement issued on Thursday read. The trial was conducted in a limited environment on a non-commercial basis.

During the ceremony, Information Technology & Telecommunication Minister Syed Aminul Haque was given an overview on the live 5G usage scenarios. The demonstrations included remote surgery, cloud gaming and overview of anticipated 5G technology applications in Pakistan. 

The PTCL Group, during the 5G trial, was able to achieve the fastest data rate, with download speeds reaching 1.685 Gbps in a limited environment.

“PTCL Group demonstrated a 5G remote surgery trial that will help in making the lives of people better. Once the ecosystem is developed, doctors will be able to conduct surgeries remotely in far-flung areas. In addition, it will create new social and economic development opportunities that will make the dream of Digital Pakistan a reality,” the statement read.

Speaking on the occasion, Syed Aminul Haque said, “I am glad to be present at this crucial event as PTCL Group takes a momentous step of [conducting] successful trial of 5G technology in Pakistan. I believe that communication plays a major role in the socioeconomic development and uplift of financial inclusion in the country. 5G technology will surely enable an emerging technological environment and ecosystem conducive for economic prosperity in Pakistan.”

Meanwhile, IT and Telecommunication Secretary Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui said, “We are committed to the vision of a Digital Pakistan. PTCL Group’s successful 5G trial today is a major step that will pave the way towards digitalization of Pakistan. This technology will open new avenues in many fields such as education, health, security and communication that will have a positive social and economic impact on our country.”

In his address, PTCL Group Acting CEO & Group CFO Nadeem Khan stated, “PTCL has been serving the nation since 1947 as an integral part of everyone’s lives in the country. With today’s successful 5G trial in a limited environment, we believe that this technology will unlock new realities for eHealth, smart homes & cities, agriculture, autonomous vehicles, Cloud computing, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence. PTCL Group’s remote surgery demo enabled by 5G, successfully tested for the first time in Pakistan, will enable people living in far-flung areas to potentially have access to the best medical facilities available anywhere in the world.”


  1. Honorable PTCL Acting Group CEO Mr. Nadeem Khan, for stated Applications being observed from the UN/ITU member administrations, applications being awaited to proceed to Zero Injury/Death from the UN/WHO Road Safety on the 5G Apps., on Pakistan Roads/Streets.
    Being a member of UN/WHO Road Safety Group from Pakistan concerned to ways and means to Stop Injury/Death of Pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, while following the UN/WHO recomendations, that will Insha Allah help Save Human Lives/Injuries from Driver/Pedestrian not following the recommendations. I was dreaming for this day to happen, when we have fully automated transport.
    My best wishes to all at the PTA, and all licensees of PTA should watch the situation as all our roads will soon be without any injury/death if they’re an Autonomous Transport. Several friends, institutions members of the UN WHO, ITU, worldwide are watching us for NO Death/Injury on Roads in Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad.

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