Beyond all the talk, are electric vehicles truly affordable in Pakistan?

Profit explores the total cost of ownership among various 4-wheeler technologies to ascertain who leads the pack

Pakistan no longer has a population problem

While the rest of the world struggles with low birth rates, Pakistan is entering the sweet spot of the double demographic dividend. We should abolish the Population Welfare Department to keep the demographic party going longer

Modi’s election performance is set to jolt Pakistan’s rice market. Here’s how

Last year, India had planned to pull its rice from the international market, creating an opportunity for Pakistani farmers. The party is now over

Prepare for turbulence

Pakistan has finally secured a deal with the IMF, but the market does not seem to be reacting the way it should have. Let us find out what other risks Pakistan possesses apart from its financial risk

RUDA is starting to approve private housing societies. Where do things stand?

After controversial beginnings, the Ravi Riverfront Project is getting into the hands of private developers. What does it take?

Who owns Pakistan’s digital wallet throne?

As the two DFS juggernauts compete for the top spot, we delve into determining whose claim is real

The federal government might abolish five ministries. That’s just scratching the surface

Institutional reform in the federal government requires a gutting of the bureaucracy, the elimination of thousands of jobs, and strong political will

Textile exporters denied tax relief; who to blame?

After years of protection to make the industry internationally competitive, govt has removed the cover from above textile exporters. Who will this affect the most?

Can Artificial Intelligence make college counselling more equitable?

Kollegio is building an AI driven platform to assist promising candidates with their college applications

The story behind Pakistan’s biggest ever stock market dividend

A dividend of Rs 725 per share was given by PHDL soon after its Regent Plaza Hotel was acquired by SIUT

This company is about to get a licence to buy local gas to sell to corporations privately. Not everyone is happy

EGas collects natural gas produced during oil extraction and transports it in special trucks to bridge gas demand. But what is the controversy behind their renewed licence?

Near Lahore’s Walton Road, Seth Abid’s leftovers are up for grabs

Silently and almost in obscurity, Premier Villas has become popular in a location where the real estate market seemed dead. Here’s how it happened

The economy is in the dumps. What asset classes have stood the test of time?

With the economy faltering, what is the best place to park your money? We assess multiple asset classes to unveil the return patterns

PSO wants a loan-to-equity swap against its debt. How well thought out is the plan?

With circular debt ballooning out of control, out of the box thinking is being used to address it. Sadly, it won’t work

Sher Afzal Marwat has locked horns with Lucky Cement over how they spend their CSR money. Does he have a point?

Legally speaking, there is nothing binding Lucky Cement to have a CSR budget and to spend it in a certain way. But things are often done differently in countries with more developed legislation