LAHORE: UPS, the international global logistic company is entering into a partnership with local logistics and shipping titan TCS, as it eyes Pakistan’s growing international trade and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) for opportunities.
This partnership with TCS is intended to assist in reducing the cutting time and cost of shipments into and out of Pakistan reported Dawn.
President UPS, Indian Subcontinent, Middle East and Africa (ISMEA) region, Mr. Jean-Francois Condamine was on a visit to Lahore recently to open the country’s second ‘Gateway’.
Mr. Francois said the country’s market is very rich and it provided a plethora of opportunities to develop business in Pakistan.
Regarding the ‘Gateway’, the UPS ISMEA President stated it is a place where the company would handle all the company’s volumes coming in and going out of the country.
He added this would provide a way to enhance shipment for exporters. Mr. Francois shared business-to-business (B2B) ventures were growing in stride around the world and Pakistan’s dealings with rest of the world had shown glimpses of the coming of digitization and business-to-consumer trends.
Also, the UPS ISMEA president said the company’s partnership with TCS was commercial and both had worked together for the last 2.5 years.
Mr. Francois shared UPS’s partnership with TCS was very natural since the latter had a 65 percent market share in Pakistan and the former was a global behemoth in the logistics space with a presence in over 220 countries.
While talking about CPEC, Mr. Francois highlighted UPS had a presence in all those countries where the corridor project is connecting.
He said CPEC was an extension of seaports connecting continents, which was very significant for UPS too.
The UPS ISMEA president stated this corridor was about the connecting of geographical blocs which includes China, Europe, Middle East and East Africa and offers a major opportunity for the company.
Mr. Francois said the company had a presence in China and was in Pakistan now to take advantage of any opportunity which comes UPS’s way.