NEPRA slashes power tariff by Rs0.21

ISLAMABAD: Power consumers will find relief in next month’s electricity bills as National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has reduced power price by 21 paisa per unit on account of fuel cost adjustment (FCA) for the month of June 2021.

The Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA), on behalf of Ex-WAPDA distribution companies (DISCOs), had requested the regulator to allow about 80 paisa per unit additional charges to consumers for electricity consumption in June 2021 under the FCA mechanism because of about Rs7.6 billion adverse fuel price variations when compared with pre-determined reference costs.

However, this reduction in electricity price will not be applicable on lifeline domestic consumers, agri consumers and the consumers of K-Electric while a detailed decision in this regard will be issued later. The impact of reduction in tariff will reflect in electricity bills of August. The regulator will issue its detailed decision regarding reduction in tariff later.

The CPPA said the Discos had charged consumers a reference fuel tariff of Rs5.93 per unit in June while the actual fuel cost turned out to be Rs6.74 per unit and hence 80 paisas per unit should be allowed to be recovered from consumers’. The Nepra, however, noted that actual fuel cost was Rs5.72 per unit, hence a 21 paisa per unit refund to consumers through next bill adjustment.

As per details, power production in the month of June with hydel source was 29.40 per cent, coal 18.03pc, 8.18pc with Residual Fuel Oil (RFO), 9.08pc with gas, 18.81pc with re-gasified liquefied natural gas (RLNG), Nuclear 11.27pc, import Iran 0.35pc, wind 3.56pc, bagasse 0.39pc, solar 0.44pc and 0.07pc with mixed sources of power production. Total energy generated was 14,361.17 GWh and net delivered to DISCOs was 13,971.36 GWh.


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