Pakistan has a nascent esports industry that can grow much bigger

The increase in number of esports tournaments with pool prizes worth up to Rs 20 million indicates growing potential in the industry

Sohail Tanveer and other cricketers drafted into Pakistan Super League’s (PSL) silver category of players were paid close to Rs 5 million.

What if we told you that is the same amount a few youngsters made by winning an esports tournament in January 2022?

Earlier this year, Pakistan’s esports industry hit a new record with its largest ever tournament, organized by the middle-eastern esports organiser, Galaxy Racers. The tournament’s pool prize valued at Rs 20 million and the highest payout went to a team of five youngsters who won Rs 5 million for conquering the PUBG championship.

And this is only one tournament, there are dozens that happen in Pakistan across the year, which are in addition to international tournaments that offer even higher in prize money, where local players represent Pakistan. The head of Galaxy Racers Pakistan division, Fakhr Alam has announced that he is aiming for a higher and higher cash pools in the coming years going from ‘Rs 20 million to 50 million and from there to 100 million.’ 

Tournaments and winning cash prizes are not the only way esports enthusiasts make money. There are other professions that stem off from the platform and this is only the start for Pakistan as the industry is steadily growing.


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Zunairah Qureshi
Zunairah Qureshi
The author is a member of the staff and can be reached at [email protected]


  1. Tournaments and winning cash prizes are not the only way esports enthusiasts make money. There are other professions that stem off from the platform and this is only the start for Pakistan as the industry is steadily growing.

  2. The esports industry has grown significantly in recent years and is expected to continue to expand in the future. Here are a few factors that are driving this growth:

    Increased investment: With more and more companies and investors recognizing the potential of esports, the industry is seeing a surge in investment, which is helping to drive growth and development.

    Growing audience: The esports audience is also growing, with more and more people tuning in to watch competitive gaming.

    Mainstream acceptance: As e sports becomes more mainstream, it is being recognized as a legitimate form of entertainment and competition, which is helping to drive growth.

    Advancement in streaming technology: The rise of streaming platforms like Twitch, YouTube and Facebook Gaming have made it easier for gamers to watch and participate in esports competitions, which is helping to drive audience growth.

  3. Pakistan has a relatively small esports industry compared to other countries, but it has the potential to grow significantly in the future. The country has a large population of young people who are increasingly interested in gaming and esports, and there is a growing number of professional gamers, teams, and tournaments.

    There are several factors that can contribute to the growth of the esports industry in Pakistan. One is the increasing popularity and accessibility of mobile gaming, which has made it easier for people to get involved in esports. Additionally, the rise of live streaming platforms like YouTube and Twitch has made it easier for gamers to build an audience and make a living from their hobby.

    Another factor that can contribute to the growth of the esports industry in Pakistan is government support and investment. If the government were to invest in infrastructure and support the development of the industry, it could help to create a more conducive environment for esports to thrive.

  4. The statement “Pakistan has a nascent esports industry that can grow much bigger” is accurate. Esports, or competitive video gaming, has seen significant growth in recent years, and Pakistan is no exception. The country has a large youth population that is increasingly interested in esports, and there are a growing number of tournaments and competitions being organized.

    However, the esports industry in Pakistan is still in its early stages of development and there is a lot of potential for growth. The lack of infrastructure, investments and regulations has hindered the growth of the industry. Additionally, there is a lack of awareness and understanding of esports among the general population, which can be a barrier to growth.

    To grow the esports industry in Pakistan, there needs to be more investment in infrastructure and facilities, as well as more government support and regulations. Additionally, more efforts should be made to educate the public about esports and its potential as a career and a form of entertainment. With the right support and investment, the esports industry in Pakistan has the potential to become a significant contributor to the country’s economy and culture.

  5. It is accurate to say that Pakistan’s esports industry is in its infancy but has the potential for significant growth. Esports, the competitive world of video gaming, has been rapidly expanding in recent years and Pakistan is no exception, with an increasing interest from its sizeable youth population and a rising number of tournaments and competitions being organized.

    Despite this, the industry still faces many challenges due to inadequate infrastructure, lack of investment and regulations, which have hampered its growth. Furthermore, there is a lack of awareness and understanding of esports among the general population, which may impede its growth.

    To expand the esports industry in Pakistan, greater investment in infrastructure and facilities, along with increased government support and regulations are needed. It is also vital to raise public awareness about esports and its potential as a career and form of entertainment. If given the right support and investment, Pakistan’s esports industry could significantly contribute to the country’s economy and culture.

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