Pakistan intends to direct trade route to Tajikistan, road access to Central Asia

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan intends to have direct trade route to Tajikistan and road access to Central Asian countries for which corridor of China and Afghanistan may be under consideration.
In this regard, Kurakram Highway, Khunjarab, Kashgar, Murghab and Dushanbe route will be utilized for two-way trade.
This was discussed in the meeting of Minister of Transport of Tajikistan Azim Ibrahim and Minister for Communications, Board of Investment & Privatization Abdul Aleem Khan at Beijing, China as sideline meeting on the eve of Global Transport Forum.
Aleem Khan observed that Pakistan is ready for the meeting of Joint Ministerial Committee and Joint Working Group with Tajikistan.

He welcomed the starting of direct flight between the two countries as a positive impact of his recent visit to Tajikistan in May. Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan said that Pakistan wants to promote bilateral trade with all Central Asian countries for which more initiative will be taken.
He discussed to solve the problems being faced by trawlers and drivers going to Tajikistan.
He appreciated the ongoing Global Transport Forum in Beijing, China and said that this platform will promote communication and cooperation among Asian countries, in particular.
Tajik Transport Minister Azim Ibrahim expressed his good sentiments towards the people of Pakistan and appreciated the meeting of the Joint Ministerial Committee under the leadership of Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan in May at Tajikistan.
He agreed to promote mutual cooperation and joint business activities in future, as well.
Azim Ibrahim and Abdul Aleem Khan also discussed the 4 countries Traffic and Transit Agreement and agreed that progress on mutual agreements.
This meeting was held in a pleasant atmosphere in which important proposals were discussed to form working groups for various agreements in the presence of senior officers from the countries Pakistan and Tajikistan.


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