There is an IMF standby agreement, but what next?
Solving our balance of payments challenge
Solarizing household energy
Throwing a lifeline to lifeline electricity consumers
Nutritionally Challenged Pakistan?
It is said that we are what we eat, and data tells us that Pakistanis are not eating enough, and not eating...
Pending subsidy payments on the import of DAP
Most individuals are well aware of the current state of the government, given the release of this year’s budget and the conditions...
Pakistan’s Path to Prosperity: The Urgent Need for a Regulatory Framework in the Crypto Market
In an era of rapid technological advancements, Pakistan stands at a crossroads. As the global crypto market continues its meteoric rise, surpassing...
Symptoms of distress
The state is sick and the infection has set in inside its economy. But could we lose everything else in the process too?
The currency shadow market
There are numerous PKR-USD exchange rates that exist. The rate at which various banks transact and conduct transactions is known as the...
Demographic liability
It’s very difficult to educate hungry children
The volatility premium
Compensating for the risk of doing business in Pakistan
Changing how Pakistanis commute and think about commuting
This February marked a decade of Lahore’s BRT service. But what can we learn from the past to better our mass transit future?
Price Fixing
The government is obsessed with fixing prices, whether that be of the most basic staples, fuel, or medicine – it wants to...
The bad economics of cross-subsidising fuel
A bad idea that should be shelved, at least, for the time being
Does your portfolio suffer from home bias?
Investors’ resounding preference for their home markets remains one of the great puzzles of the investment world
It’s takes two to tango
Progressive Banking and Business Community
Provincialization of electricity distribution companies
Restructuring only way to achieve optimal efficiency