Increased cost of production major cause for declining exports: FCCI

FAISALABAD: An increase in the cost of production is a major cause for the declining exports and now we have been left with only option to restrict our export-related activities and focus only on the domestic markets to survive in this changed environment, said Engineer Muhammad Saeed, the president of Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI).

He was addressing a meeting of traders belonging to different groups of Anjuman-e-Tajran in addition to the representatives of auto parts, food, confectionery, instalments, flour mills, power looms and sizing etc.

He said that FCCI is an apolitical organisation, fighting for traders’ rights, in addition to playing our fundamental role as a bridge between government and business community.

Commenting on the prevailing economic situation, he said that it was most discouraging. “It is the outcome of successive policies of previous governments who failed to resolve the problems faced by the business community.

He was critical of the difference in gas price within the country as the industrialists from Punjab are getting gas at the rate of Rs 1000 per MMBTU whereas, the same gas was available in Sindh at the rate of Rs 600 MMBTU.

While expressing concern over unilateral decision making by “business-friendly” government, he said that the workers’ salaries were increased without consulting the stakeholders. Even though an increase of Rs 1000 in salary is negligible but its overall impact is unbearable for the industrialists who have been facing financial crises from the last many years, he added.

He proposed that instead of increasing salaries of industrial workers, the government should provide subsidy to the workers to fulfil their basic and fundamental needs. He said that the time has proved beyond any doubt that an increase in agricultural commodities and salaries of workers have further increased inflation and poverty. Hence, the government should consult the stakeholders and carve out practicable policies through which the objectives of industrial growth could be achieved in addition to providing relief to the industrial workers.

Senior Vice-President Rana Sikandar-e-Azam and Vice-President Engineer Ahmed Hasan also addressed the meeting and assured to resolve the problems confronted by the business community of Faisalabad.


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