TDAP supporting business sector to improve quality of products

LAHORE: Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) is endeavoring to support and assist the business sector to help improve the quality and value of the products.

This was stated by Shazia Akram, Director General, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), Sub Regional Offices while talking to a 21-member delegation of officers from 22nd Senior Management Course (SMC) who visited TDAP Lahore here Thursday.

The DG said that TDAP was carrying out all efforts to help the business community enhance their business potential through their effective participation in the international exhibitions and delegations.

“Awareness seminars and workshops are also being arranged by the TDAP to educate the entrepreneurs about the latest trends regarding the global trade markets and to make them sensitize about the trade potential which exists in the distant markets of the world”, she added.

Earlier, Deputy Director TDAP, Asmma Kamal, gave a detailed presentation on the working of the TDAP.

It was observed during the meeting that Pakistan was facing challenges in enhancing the export growth due to global slump in GDP, lack of product and market diversification and low investments.

The officers asked various questions regarding the decline in exports of the country and shared their valuable opinions for improvement in export sector.

The DG TDAP (SRO) was assisted by the Directors’ TDAP Usman Qureshi and Muhammad Irfan alongwith other senior officers, while the visiting delegation was led by their Chief Instructor National Institute of Management (NIM) Peshawar Mirza Khalid Amin.

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