Local software company prefers hiring ‘non-hijabi’ employees

The company had listed a vacancy for an IT Intern on jobs portal Rozee.pk, wherein the "requirements" section, it stated that "an ideal candidate must be willing to wear business attire without an abaya, veil or scarf"


Nextbridge (Pvt) Limited, a software house located in Johar Town area of Lahore wants to hire employees/interns who are willing to “wear business attire” without abaya and/or scarf.

A screenshot of their latest vacancy was circulating on social media with the caption “If it is not safety requirement or job requirement or it violates basic social decency people should allow wearing whatever they think appropriate #Shame #Discrimination.”

The company had listed a vacancy for an IT Intern on jobs portal Rozee.pk, wherein the “requirements” section, it stated that “an ideal candidate must be willing to wear business attire without an abaya, veil or scarf”.

This is not the first incident where there is discrimination against women wearing religious attire; people all over the world have faced various levels of discrimination over the same and some of them are set on breaking these stereotypes.



  1. I pity those working there, 15k/mo and that too after Masters? Look at the working timings. Unbelievable. Icing on the cake of idiotic requirements is the discrimination against those wearing their choice of attire. I hate these organizations, down with them.

    • 15 k is the stipend for internship position, usually the internships are unpaid. The employees are very well compensated and the work environment is the opposite of anything discriminatory. This was merely a mistake on behalf of one of the writers for the recruitment sector and was rectified immediately. Sadly, however, not before people who don’t have a lot going on for themselves decided to make clickbait out of it on social media.

      • The work environment is full of shit… lot of politics, favorism and nepotism exist in nextbridge. Shame on the anonymous person who is trying to cover up which is.pretty obvious is someone from theor dumbass marketing team.. get some proper HR person for the job.. you should be ashmed of your own reply.. all the job postings done by the recruitment and HR gets approved from the CEO himself .. blame game is an old trait of nextbridge.. sometimes they accuse their employees just to get rid of them due to nepotism a d politics.. there have been multiple cases and mysf has been a witness to the shit game they play at nextbridge.. they use to fire whole teams to get rid of the seniors and then hire fresh cheaper resources .. most of the senior management are relatives and most of them are dumb fucks who knows nothing about HR and employee related issue. Shame on the dumb ass who is blaming people who identified another example of weak management and dumb ass politics..

  2. Damage has been done.Discrimination is obvious. Personal dressing is not anybodys matter. Shame on the H.R, mistake done thrice not once and hence could not be a mistake but personal desire of company.

  3. Sane people in Pakistan are Throwing ISLAM and it’s Anti-Women teachings out of their lives !!

    Great !! In CHINA, we prohibit ALL Muslims from wearing Ababa, Burka or Any type of face cover, Loud-Speakers and Azan from Mosques.

  4. Hi,

    Let me share my story with u guys. I have cleared my interview in great company which name is Avari Towers after all the process of interview they said hmari policy main hijab allowed nh hai. And that was a shocking timing for me. So I refused that opportunity.

    #ALLAH bahtr krnai wala hai 😊

  5. Kya Human Rights Sirf non hibabi kay liye hain, Hijab walay kay liye koi right nahi hai ?
    Shame on Dajjali human rights and Dajjali Media.

  6. I thought their GM, Shakeel, was a religious guy and their seniors too have beareds and they do pray too… how come they could have let this happen? 🤔

  7. Yaar bhai yahi to masla ha.. musalmaan namaz parhta ha.. laiken dollars k liye imaan tak baich daita ha.. kissi ma itni himmet he nahi hui k woh kuch bolay
    Allah hum sab ko hidayat day aur munafiqon k garhay ma na daalay

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