Food ministry uncooperative with FIA over plant dept probe

ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Food Security and Research (MoFS&R) is showing reluctance in sharing relevant documents required by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) which has initiated various cases against top officials of the Plant Protection Department (DPP), an attached department of the ministry, Profit learnt on Wednesday.

According to details, the FIA issued a third reminder to the DPP director general (DG), stating that inquiry was lying pending due to non-provision of documents which the authority needs to scrutinise.

“Through your letter under reference, you were requested to allow 5 working days to furnish the requisitioned record/information. But it is regretted to say that after 15 days this Agency did not receive any single paper in this regard. Hence, it is once again requested to look after the matter personally and provide the requisitioned record within 2 working days for the purpose of enquiry,” the letter issued on September 22 said.

According to sources in FIA, the agency, after sending a number of reminders, has the option to approach the court for getting the documents in case the food ministry continues to ignore the letters.

As per documents available with this scribe, three FIA inquiries ENQ-21/2021, No. 68/2021, No. 518/2021 and one NAB inquiry No. 4924/19 are currently in process against the ministry and officials of its plant protection department.

Furthermore, apart from the department’s corruption, irregularities and mismanagement of a few top officials, who remain unharmed despite the inquiries of agencies and complaints made by trade bodies and individuals, it has also been functioning without a regular director general.

The DPP has been working without a head official since October, 2020, whereas it has been without a regular director general (DG) for over a decade now.

As per a notification issued on Tuesday, a copy of which is available with Profit, the MoFS&R has given current charge of DG and adviser DPP to Director Technical (BS-19) Muhammad Tariq Khan for two months. 

An insider claimed that the certain group within the ministry and DPP did not want a senior, competent or honest man to head the department. According to them, the ministry has recommended the name of a junior official, against whom cases are under investigation at FIA and NAB, for the post.

Sources alleged that the official, who does not have the required experience, is being recommended for the post of DG despite the fact that the Prime Minister Office had rejected him earlier. However, his name has again been forwarded again whilst ignoring others with higher qualification and experience in the department due to nepotism. 

It is pertinent to mention here that the PM office in December, 2019, had directed the MoFS&R to appoint a DG on contract from the open market.



Ghulam Abbas
Ghulam Abbas
The writer is a member of the staff at the Islamabad Bureau. He can be reached at [email protected]

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