Twitter isn’t real and exporting economists – this week in Pakistan’s business and economics twitterverse

There was a bit of a scuffle on Twitter this week when in a major boomer moment, an executive tweeted about job retention and how people list their hobbies like ‘chilling’ on their CVs. While there is an extensive rejoinder to this down below, we must stress how important it is for our upcoming young professionals to be paid better and be given more benefits. That said, a lot else was going on this week as well as we considered exporting economists and the SBP found itself in the limelight again. Ariba Shahid brings you all this and more in this week’s social medai roundup.  

Economists aplenty 

This is seventh generation warfare where you send the people that have brought the economy to shambles to another country. We didn’t have to do Afghanistan so dirty. Jokes aside, we have plenty of economists to go around. In fact we have enough to export. After all, everyone on twitter is an economic expert too. In fact, it would be quite nice if some of them went away elsewhere. 

Where are the foreign job seekers? 

We heard that once this government comes into power people will travel from all over the world to seek jobs in Pakistan. While that hasn’t happened yet in Pakistan, the fact that it is happening in India is a good sign that it is possible once a better environment and opportunities are provided. And no, we don’t think the job of dedicate Pakistan vlogger should count as people coming from foreign countries to work in Pakistan. 

Easy laughs 

Some jokes just write themselves. Imagine if the FBR was proactive where it needed to be rather than turning itself into a meme. But also interesting to see how beggars aren’t really as poor as we thought they would be. Or is that so?

Secret keeper 

What does the SBP really control? Based on my expertise in the Netflix sensation Money Heist, I think they have control of the country’s gold and the nation’s secrets. And maybe some control of money supply. Inflation? Umm I’ll leave that up to you.

Where’s the money?  

I build businesses. I mean, if one of your businesses made money, you wouldn’t be making loads to begin with and trying your luck as hard as you are by multiple attempts. Show us the money you have.

What you see is what you get 

Hey, it’s either my yahoo and Hotmail email with  my name or my gmail email that is [email protected]. You choose what you prefer. There is no in between. 

The good old days 

Flashback to when Rehman Malik was minister and we had telephone and internet shutdowns as a response to literally the slightest inconvenience. Would be cool. I wouldn’t have to submit this write up if we didn’t have the internet. Miss those days when this was a valid excuse. Then again, the government would collapse now if Whatsapp was down for the entire day. 

Boring hobbies 

My hobbies are boring and I don’t want to tell you what I do in my own time. Why can’t companies rethink their hiring? What in the world even are productive hobbies? 

{Editor’s note: Some sage advice, when you make a silly tweet there is no need to double down on it. You can retract it, apologise, and move on with your life. We feel it is necessary to remind you that Twitter isn’t actually a real place, so getting defensive about things you say there (particularly stupid things) is not doing you any favours.} 

Justifying fees 

Universities need to work on soft skills. They need to justify their high fees.

Better wages needed 

Pakistani businesses are sweatshops. Wages need to be better and in line with international standards if prices are kept the same way.


Ariba Shahid
Ariba Shahid
The author is a business journalist at Profit. She can be reached at [email protected] or at

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