The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Friday injected Rs9,640.7 billion into the market through reverse repo purchase and Shariah-compliant Mudarabah-based Open Market Operations (OMO).
The SBP conducted an OMO Reverse Repo Purchase (Injection) on December 6, 2024, for 7-day and 28-day tenors. According to the results, the central bank accepted Rs9,086.7 billion offered through 32 bids.
For the 7-day tenor, 32 bids totaling Rs9,086.7 billion were received, with rates ranging from 15.04% to 15.11%. The SBP accepted the entire amount at a return rate of 15.04%. No bids were received for the 28-day tenor.
Additionally, the SBP conducted a Shariah-compliant Mudarabah-based OMO for the same tenors. The bank received four bids for the 7-day tenor, quoting a total of Rs554 billion at rates between 15.10% and 15.12%.Â
The SBP accepted all four bids at a 15.10% return rate. No bids were received for the 28-day tenor.