Drip sprinkler system to be introduced in Punjab

The agriculture department has chalked out a three-year plan for making the agriculture sector more profitable and to enhance the provincial yield.

Official sources told APP that special attention would be accorded on introducing the ultra-modern technology of drip sprinkler irrigation system in Punjab.

The drip sprinkler system would be installed on 20,000 acres of land, enabling a better and effective utilisation of the scarce resource, water, available for irrigation. This installation would increase the overall yield besides eliminating the possibilities of undue wastage of water, they said.

The tunnel farming technology would also be installed on 3,000 acres for growing vegetables in the province, they added. Tunnel farming would help in growing off-season vegetables around the year, improving the economic condition of the growers.

The government would provide a subsidy of 80 per cent for the installation of the solar system while the growers will contribute the remaining 20 per cent for the system. Similarly, the government would also provide a 50 per cent subsidy for the installation of the tunnel farming technology, sources stated.

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