Cabinet may approve appointment of new PPL MD in coming week

Imran Abbasi, currently working with an E&P company in Canada, most likely to secure position

ISLAMABAD: The federal cabinet is likely to choose one of three shortlisted candidates during the coming week’s scheduled meeting for the top position of Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL).

Well-informed sources informed Profit that the upcoming meeting is likely to take up a summary regarding the appointment of the managing director (MD)/chief executive officer (CEO) of PPL.

They added that interviews for the position have already been conducted and three candidates named as Imran Abbasi, Moin Raza Khan, Sikandar Memon have been shortlisted whereas Abbasi is most likely to win the race.

Sharing details of the shortlisted candidates, sources said that Abbasi has secured the maximum score in the interview process and his name is placed at the top of the list of shortlisted candidates.

Imran Abbasi is currently working with an Exploration and Production (E&P) company in Canada. He was earlier selected for the top position of Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDC) but could not join due to personal reasons.

Incumbent PPL CEO Moin Raza Khan is also among the shortlisted candidates with his name placed at second number in the list. However, he is considered as a controversial candidate with his short listing raising serious questions due to certain allegations against him.

Sources said that Moin Raza Khan has been facing a National Accountability Bureau (NAB) reference while the company, under his leadership, has allegedly suffered significant losses due to drilling activity being significantly reduced and gas production also decreasing from 950 Million Cubic Feet per Day (MMCFD) to 650 MMCFD during the last three years among other reasons.

 “PPL staff in the court is requesting for an impartial third party audit but existing management is allegedly blocking this audit because of their involvement,” said sources.

The third shortlisted candidate is Sikandar Memon, who is reportedly not a suitable choice to fill the top position of PPL as he secured low marks during the interview process.

Pakistan Petroleum Limited is a non-funded publicly listed company incorporated under the Companies Ordinance, 1984; established to undertake oil and gas exploration activities in the country and abroad.

The government has 74.86 per cent shares and the right to nominate all the directors on the BoD of the company commensurate to the ratio of its equity as provided under Section 164(2) of the Companies Act, 2017.

Ahmad Ahmadani
Ahmad Ahmadani
The author is a an investigative journalist at Profit. He can be reached at [email protected].


  1. I live in Canada. This is the biggest lie in the history of Pakistan. Imran Abbasi doesn’t work with E&P company in Canada. He is laid off since last year. He is not even eligible for the work. I am very disappointed with this news.

  2. Then why Government with its all out resources doesn’t seem to be fully aware of the current employment status of Imran Abbasi? Isn’t it pathetic ? May Allah swt help our dear country overcome such blunders in choice of individuals for such a high profile and key position of one of the 2 biggest national oil and gas exploration & production companies in the country.

  3. If Imran Abbasi was laid off from a job in Canada a year ago as per above comment from SHAF then why government is projecting him as if he currently employed and will be coming to Pakistan after leaving that job where as he he in fact already laid off as per above post from Canada.

  4. We are also very much disappointed with the news that lmran Abbasi who is laid off in Canada has been shortlisted for the selection of
    MD/CEO of Pakistan Petroleum Ltd, PPL.
    PPL is Pakistan’s Premier Oil & Gas Exploration &
    Production Company and is needed a highly experienced professional to head the PPL.
    One should also note that the a Vertenary Doctor was holding the job of Director General Oil in the
    Federal Ministery Of Petroleum in Islamabad.
    When the Oil was selling cheap in the world market about some time ago after the break of Covid-19,
    GOP did not buy. l don’t know the present position in
    the Petroleum Ministery.

  5. Irregular promotions and nepotism galore in PPL. Solid professionals are being posted out literally against much lower posts in remote areas. Nincompoops coming to head office on Sifarish. All postings transfers should be held back and an impartial inquiry conducted.

  6. Never heard of Imran Abbasi within E&P sector of Canada. I’m living here in Alberta for almost 20 years and deeply embedded in the E&P sector. it’s relatively tight knit Pakistani professional oil and gas society, thus my concerns for not hearing about him. Sikander Memon is also a Canadian Petroleum engineer who rotates in the ME. Again not an MD material either but most likely a reliable technical manager.

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