Finance Ministry orders halt to executive allowance for AGP officers

Order cites non-compliance with eligibility criteria outlined by Finance Division's office memorandum

The Finance Ministry has instructed the Office of the Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) to discontinue the payment of executive allowance for AGP officers, as stated in a recent letter.

The Ministry of Finance, while examining the expenditure statements of the Federal Consolidated Fund, observed that several departments, including the AGP, were receiving executive allowance outside the Federal Secretariat.

According to the Finance Division’s Office Memorandum dated 19-07-2022 and 17-02-2023, only employees in BPS 17-22 (excluding Private Secretaries) within the Federal Secretariat are eligible for executive allowance. The Federal Secretariat specifically refers to Ministries and Divisions as defined under rule 2(vii) read with Schedule-I of the Rules of Business, 1973.

The letter advises the AGPR (Accountant General Pakistan Revenues) and its sub-offices to review the expenditure statements of the Federal Consolidated Fund and ensure that executive allowance is not granted to anyone who is not explicitly authorized. It further requests the immediate cessation of such payments and the recovery of any payments already made. The letter emphasizes that the power to grant executive allowance lies solely with the Federal Cabinet based on recommendations from the Finance Division.

It is important to note that the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) had previously directed the finance division to release executive allowance for AGP officers. However, the Finance Ministry has yet to comply with the instructions from the PAC.


  1. I disagree with this decision since hard work and extra allowances will motivate everyone to try and work more. Many poor families’ economies would suffer as a result of the cuts.

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