CCP approves 100% acquisition of Medialogic Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has approved a significant merger in the TV ratings and streaming market. The transaction involves the acquisition of 100% shareholding of M/s Medialogic Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd through a Share Purchase Arrangement (SPA).

As per details Medialogic Pakistan is a private limited company that has provided media research services to broadcasters and advertisers since 2007. It is a key provider of media accreditation in the television industry. The data supplied by Medialogic Pakistan is crucial for media decisions made by broadcasters, advertisers, and media agencies across the country.

The CCP’s Phase I competition assessment identified ‘Media Research’ as the relevant product market. The analysis confirmed that although Medialogic Pakistan holds a considerable market share, the market conditions will remain unchanged post-transaction.

The two acquirers, Sheikh Muhammad Tanveer and Syed Naeemuddin, who are residents of Pakistan, will enter the ‘Media Research’ market through this transaction. The CCP concluded that the merger would not result in market dominance by the acquirers, leading to its authorization under Section 31 of the Competition Act, 2010.

With this approval, the CCP anticipates that Medialogic Pakistan will be better positioned to provide optimal measures of consumers’ rapidly changing behaviors across all channels and platforms. The CCP, through a mandatory Merger Regime, reviews mergers and acquisitions of shares or assets, including joint ventures, under Section 11 of the Act, maintaining alignment with international standards.

Ghulam Abbas
Ghulam Abbas
The writer is a member of the staff at the Islamabad Bureau. He can be reached at [email protected]


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