Cabinet extends licences for four explosive export-import firms

Waah Associates, Jamhex, Wah Nobel, and Araka Enterprises granted extensions

The Federal Cabinet has approved the extension of licences for four firms involved in the export and import of explosives after the completion of required formalities.

According to a news report, these firms include M/s Waah Associates, M/s Jamhex Company Private Limited, M/s Wah Nobel Detonators Private Limited, and Araka Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd.

The Petroleum Division informed the Cabinet that the Department of Explosives (DoE), which operates under its administrative control, oversees public safety across manufacturing, transportation, storage, import, export, sale, and use of explosives, petroleum products, and hazardous chemicals. The DoE had requested federal government approval for amendments to the licences issued under Form “EL-01” as per Explosives Rules, 2010.

The Cabinet was told that, under the Explosives Rules, 2010, while the Chief Inspector (Director General of Explosives) has the authority to grant licences, any amendment to licences in Form “EL-01” requires Federal Government approval under Rule 111(1)(b).

The Petroleum Division first presented the matter to the Cabinet on February 19, 2024, but was directed to obtain clearance from the Ministries of Defence, Defence Production, and Interior before resubmitting the case.

Following this directive, the Petroleum Division sought clearance from the relevant ministries in March 2024.

The Ministries of Defence Production and Interior raised no objections to the licence amendments, while the Ministry of Defence clarified that the matter did not fall within its jurisdiction.

The Petroleum Division assured the Cabinet that all procedural requirements, including applications and prerequisites for amending the licences, had been fulfilled. With this confirmation, the Cabinet approved the amendments to the licences in Form “EL-01” for the specified firms in compliance with the Explosives Rules, 2010.



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