Trade Ministry seeks removal of NICL’s CEO over alleged illegal recruitment on official slots

ISLAMABAD: Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has initiated an inquiry against the illegal recruitment of nine officials on senior slots in National Insurance Corporation Limited (NICL), while Trade Ministry has asked the Prime Minister to remove the chief executive officer (CEO) of NICL.

A copy of the notice issued by FIA, Corporate Crime Circle, Karachi on October 24, 2017, available with Pakistan Today disclosed that the FIA has started an investigation against the appointment of NICL CEO Jamail Akhtar Khan and also over the illegal recruitment of various posts in the NICL. The agency (FIA) has already summoned NICL CEO and FIA Sub-Inspector Hamid Wali has been made an Inquiry Officer to probe the matter of recruitments in NICL and record statement of Jamil Akhtar Khan in this regard.

Documents consisting FIA notice, inquiry report, and a summary of trade ministry have been forwarded to the PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, available with this scribe also reveal that ministry of trade has declared the CEO responsible of the said illegal recruitments in NICL. The trade ministry has taken the decision of CEO’s removal after the audit objection and also in the light of departmental inquiry report that made Jamil Akhtar responsible of said recruitments. Also, as per trade ministry’s summary, CEO has recruited nine officials in senior positions at NICL during the last one year.

Earlier, an audit report unearthed illegal recruitments in NICL and a three-member DAC (Departmental Audit Committee) was formed under trade ministry secretary. The DAC, after thorough scrutiny of documents of NICL, and analysis of the process of recruitments, has recommended initiation of inquiry to find the facts and advice to determine the response of said illegal recruitments.

Documents also point out that three-member DAC has proved illegal recruitments on responsible slots were made in violation of recruitment procedure and also by giving exemptions to the necessary conditions of recruitment including education, experience, regional quota, and written test.

Recommending declaring the said appointments in NICL as null and void, the DAC has held NICL CEO as responsible of the said recruitments. DAC also pointed out that there was no HR (human resource) manual in NICL and even the CEO could not provide the minutes of the recruitment committee which approved the recruitments of officials.

A summary of trade ministry sent to the premier has sought removal of NICL CEO. The summary recommended the Prime Minister to immediately get rid of the CEO by paying him three months salary in advance as per the conditions of his appointment contract. The summary also suggested the PM to appoint any board member as CEO as a temporary arrangement to run the affairs of NICL.

Officials at NICL on condition of anonymity said that trade and commerce ministry is all out to remove the NICL chief from top slot with executive order while without the approval of a board of NICL. They said the ministry of trade is not authorised to remove the top man of NICL without the approval of NICL board. They also said that the NICL has earned a profit of Rs 2.48 billion during 2015 which has now risen to Rs 3.57 billion under the leadership of Jamil Akhtar Khan and also due to his strict policies against corruption and corrupt elements in the NICL. Jamil Akhtar Khan will soon meet with the PM to explain the financial condition/health of NICL.

Ahmad Ahmadani
Ahmad Ahmadani
The author is a an investigative journalist at Profit. He can be reached at [email protected].

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