Naeem Zamindar appointed as new chairman BOI

ISLAMABAD: The cabinet has approved the decision to appoint Naeem Y Zamindar as the Board of Investment new Chairman.

According to a state-issued by BOI, the cabinet on Friday approved the appointment of new chairman BOI. It says Naeem Y Zamindar is a results-driven CEO with experience in venture capital and building businesses in public and private companies.

He is coming from Acumen Pakistan, where he led a team that successfully set up the Pakistan Fund initiative and made investments in social enterprises and leaders, as their CEO. He has been invited to join the Global Advisory Board of Acumen.

Naeem was previously the Wateen Telecom CEO, Mobilink (now Jazz) CSO, and Intel Capital in Silicon Valley Senior Investment Manager where he was involved in over 20 investments in high tech firms.

Naeem Y Zamindar was certified by the State of Washington as a CPA and has an MBA from the prestigious INSEAD Business School.

He stated that “my vision is to promote and enable Pakistan as an attractive investment destination. I will work towards catalysing investments into priority areas that will fundamentally enable a happier life for its citizens, especially sectors where technology can play a disruptive role, like in education, healthcare, energy and agriculture. I strongly believe that Pakistan has the opportunity to expedite the development cycle because of the technology revolution and entrepreneurship”.

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