Toyota announces price increase for all CKD units 

This is the first price increase for the new fiscal year with increases as much as Rs3,000,000

LAHORE: Toyota Indus Motor Company (IMC) has introduced a price increase for all of its completely-knocked-down (CKD) units.

The price increase for its Yaris lineup are as follows: 

The price increase for its Corolla lineup is as follows:  

The price increase for its Hilux and Revo lineups is as follows: 

Finally, the price increase for its Fortuner lineup is as follows: 

The price increase comes days after IMC announced its new policy to provide customers full reimbursements or the option to receive their orders with new terms and conditions after three months. 

The price increases are a likely result of the devaluation in the Rupee and IMC being forced to increase its margins on account of the limited range of imports being permitted by the State Bank of Pakistan. 


Daniyal Ahmad
Daniyal Ahmad
The author is a member of the staff, and covers the automobile, energy and advertising insdusties as a sector analyst. He can be reached at [email protected]


  1. Aoa Ye policy new customers k lie hai mean new booking pa ya old booking pa b hai plz details

  2. یہ اضافہ نئی بکنگ کے لیے ہونا تو ٹھیک ہو سکتا ہے لیکن جنھوں نے تین یا چار ماہ پہلے مکمل پیمنٹ کر دی ہے ان پر تو لاگو نہیں ہونا چاہیئے کیونکہ اس وقت کے ڈالر کے ریٹ کے مطابق ہی قیمتیں متعین تھیں باقی تمام کمپنیاں تو اسی اصول کو اپنا رہی ہیں

    • Stop looting the customers, you must returned the payment according to Dollar rate, when I paid full payment that company has offered, the value of 1 dollor was equal to 175 pak rupees. The Toyota should returned my payment according to that time dollar price along with interest

  3. They fool customers by heavily increasing prices proportionate to currency devaluation. What is the point of local manufacturing then

  4. This price is fine on new booking and not good on old booking . its not fear for Those who have given money for the last five-six months

  5. This is not right that the people who have paid full payment since 6 months are not receiving the car but are getting delays in dates.Before 6 months the dollar price was low and the people who have paid full payment must receive car within old amounts

  6. This is not right that the people who have paid full payment since 6 months are not receiving the car but are getting delays in dates.Before 6 months the dollar price was low and the people who have paid full payment must receive car within old amounts so the Toyota motor must look upon this

  7. Why Pakistani buy these third class vehicles in much heavy amount boycott Toyota suzuki and all vehicles company which looted the people of Pakistan

  8. AJ Kay dollar rate Kay mutabik payment reimburse Kar dain. Kiu Kay us waqat Kay dollar rate Kay mutabik booking ki thi.

  9. I am trying to contact with Toyota dealership at Islamabad, no body pickup call, numbers are either off or not responding.

  10. If you do not have CKD kits then why your booking still open and now the delivery time come and you tell price increase regarding CKD kits and new fiscal year, you’re cheated everyone for the sake of your interest. Shame on you Toyota

  11. بد قسمتی سے پاکستان میں کنزیومر کورٹس کا کوئی حال نہیں جہاں ایسے معاملات میں عام آدمی کے دکھ اور نقصان کا مداواہ ہوتا ہے۔

    ان کمپنیز کا۔طریقہ واردات دیکھیں

    لوگوں سےچھ چھ مہینے پہلے پیسے لے لیتے ہیں اور ڈالر ریٹ بڑھ جانے پر مکارہندو بنیے کیطرح پتلی گلی سے نکل رہے ہیں۔ بندہ پوچھے اگر ڈالر ۱۵۰ کا ہو جاتا تو ان کمپنیز نے پیسے واپس کرنے تھے اپنے کلائنٹس کو

    سرمایہ دار بہت چالاک ہے اور کمزور نظام انصاف کے ہوتے ہوے کچھ نہیں ہو سکتا۔

    ظلم کے شکار لوگجب تک کوئی انتہائی قدم نہیں اٹھائیں گے کچھ نہیں ہونے والا

  12. There is no point to return money for those who have paid full amount, IMC has to deliver vehicle or return the amount as per present dollar rate. Otherwise they have to pay full amount +full amount (fine) which happen for every deal. All those who have deposited full amount must give their complaints in courts for pursuance legally against IMC. In our country everyone understands the language of danda.

  13. I booked toyota Yaris Ativ CVT in March 2022 and the dollar rate was 170, My delivery month was june 2022.

    Inspite of paying the fine on late delivery, They have announced the new bullshit policy of refund. Is there any one who can fight against this injustice with people of Pakistan.

    My decision for buying toyota was worst

  14. I have also book Altis 1.6 SE .My delivery time is August 2022. will I pay increase price ? Any one tell me about this policy.
    Abdul hafeez

    • Yes you will pay, any pbo till June 30, 2022 will not be affected by new rate, but you will pay the differential amount

  15. Mana Altis grande 9 february ko book krwae thee partial pament pa phr price increase hogae 490000 .company sa contact kia ka kia krna chahhea unho na 50%increase k sath kaha ka pament sare jama karwa da 25 march ko sare pament jama karwa di delivery time ha august ka pament sRe jama march ma he hogae agar ab toyota wala pamnt awr la to ya achi bt nae

  16. My tentative delivery month was in July all month waited but no car and at the end they are demanding bull shit amount. They said you will pay half of the price difference which is around 500k RS. On top we have paid once before price difference as well.
    We shall stand against this bullshit and boycott with Toyota looters.
    I am not paying the price difference as I have paid full amount since 6 months at that time if they don’t have parts why they reserved my money
    No merchant will take your money if they don’t have requested material in his shop.

  17. My tentative delivery month was in July all month waited but no car and at the end they are demanding bull shit amount. They said you will pay half of the price difference which is around 500k RS. On top we have paid once before price difference as well.
    We shall stand against this bullshit and boycott with Toyota looters.
    I am not paying the price difference as I have paid full amount since 6 months at that time if they don’t have parts why they reserved my money
    No merchant will take your money if they don’t have requested material in his shop.

  18. My tentative delivery month was in July all month waited but no car and at the end they are demanding bull shit amount. They said you will pay half of the price difference which is around 500k RS. On top we have paid once before price difference as well.
    We shall stand against this bullshit and boycott with Toyota looters.
    I am not paying the price difference as I have paid full amount since 6 months at that time if they don’t have parts why they reserved my money
    No merchant will take your money if they don’t have requested material in his shop.

  19. مارچ 2022 اور 29 اپریل 2022 کے قیمتوں کے سرکلر میں مذکور شرائط اور تاریخوں کے مطابق 30 جون 2022 تک ‘گڈ ٹو گو’ والے تمام کسٹمر آرڈرز جون 2022 تک عارضی PBO ڈیلیوری مہینوں کے ساتھ انوائس کیے جائیں گے۔ متعلقہ RSPs جیسا کہ 22 مارچ اور 29 اپریل 2022 کے قیمتوں کے سرکلر میں بیان کیا گیا ہے، جس میں حکومت نے عائد کردہ CVT اور قابل اطلاق WHT کو شامل کیا ہے

  20. All customer orders which were ‘Good to Go’ as on 30th June, 2022 in accordance with the terms and dates mentioned in the price circulars of March 22, 2022 and April 29, 2022 with tentative PBO delivery months till June 2022 will be invoiced at the respective RSPs as defined in the March 22nd and April 29th 2022 price circulars, with the addition of government levied CVT and applicable WHT.

  21. Brothers we should make these Mafias realize that in business loss is a part just like profit.Which type of monopoly is going on where “ALWAYS LOSS IS TO BE BORNE BY CUSTOMERS “………COMPANY WILL REMAIN IN PROFIT ALWAYS…..



  22. My comprehension to the offer
    a. Refund amount with little PLUS to the customer
    b. Get the PLUS mentioned from those who would prefer to wait including their own profit.
    c. Result = Best sales and profit even in crisis

  23. They should be taken to customer court. An email should be sent to Toyota Japan. This is FRAUD at its best.

  24. All cars are local assembled and of worst quality in the world than why compare to dollar rates

    • booking time was january and the price of dollar was 170 something now what the hell they are getting increase amount ? they are looted with iur innocent peoples..

  25. One must go to consumer court or At least Use On line portal of consumer court. Because payment got when USD = 200 PKR . and abnormal devaluation comes after 18th July-22. They have already imported material agaist our money and we paid them at that prevailing prices against Dollar. So should not impact on Fully paid booking.

  26. Simple solution is consumer court, and i think there is some directions already issued by supreme court i m searching it, i have decided to knock the doors of court.
    I hzvs alrezdy made the full payment but in vein

    • Do share petition and forum details on watsapp will copy the same. Have deposited full payment delievery month as per PBO is August-22 for 1.8 grande. Last time on increase they said you are safe and not required to deposit.

      • i am in the same boat as you. My number is 03324477292. i would like to join a whattsapp group for taking the matter jointly to court

  27. Yes u are right…they must learn lesson….share procedure of any legal proceedings….I will do the same

  28. I have booked Toyota Revo with Delivery Month July 2022 and paid full payment in May 2022. Instead Toyota delivered vehicle they have increased prices. Toyota dealership ask an Important Question “Are you investor or real customers ” because they offer early delivery to the investor and booking of real customer suffer with delayed deliveries…..

    I think Honda Company has taken right step, Honda impose new prices on new booking or late payment……

    We should challenge in the court …………

    Contact number 0300-4603679

  29. Best recourse, free of cost, is Federal Ombudsman, all you need is a properly written application and send it to them, and if there are many applications there, they will create a right amount of pressure. Also, send letters to Secretary Industries and production. Social media is also important, especially twitter.

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