Pakistan to begin PayPal payments for freelancers in February

Pakistan's IT Minister announces game-changing freelancer payment system via PayPal

ISLAMABAD: In a significant development for Pakistan’s freelance community, the Caretaker Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication, Dr. Umar Saif, announced today that a pilot project enabling payments to 10,000 freelancers through PayPal is set to commence in February.

The announcement came during Dr. Saif’s address at the Tech Destination Pakistan event, coinciding with the launch of E-Rozgar Centers across the country.

“In February, we are going to start the first pilot project in which 10,000 freelancers in Pakistan would be able to start receiving payments through PayPal,” Dr. Umar Saif declared. He further elaborated that the program’s expansion is slated for March, ensuring that freelancers across the country gain access to payments from PayPal and Stripe.

Dr. Saif clarified that although PayPal itself is not establishing a presence in Pakistan, an agreement has been reached to facilitate remittances through PayPal via a third-party intermediary. Under this innovative program, freelancers will not need to create PayPal accounts. Instead, individuals outside the country will make payments from their PayPal accounts, and the funds will be swiftly deposited into freelancers’ accounts.

The minister highlighted the government’s efforts to streamline the process, stating that freelancers only need to provide evidence of having accounts on platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, Elance, Toptal, or Crossover. He also emphasized the introduction of a 50 percent dollar retention policy, allowing freelancers to retain half of their earnings in dollars and receive a debit card for domestic and international transactions.

Dr. Umar Saif revealed that the government has allocated substantial funds to establish E-Rozgaar centers nationwide through a public-private partnership. These centers will provide interest-free loans to qualified individuals and companies while fostering an environment conducive to freelancing and entrepreneurship.

The E-Rozgaar program aims to establish over 250 centers across Pakistan, with 40 centers currently in progress and expected to be operational by February 19, 2024.

Additionally, Dr. Saif announced that the first standardized quality test for 75,000 information technology graduates will take place on January 15. Successful candidates will have access to job opportunities through the Industry Placement Program, with government stipends and cash awards for participating companies.

Moreover, the government plans to provide international certification training for 16,000 individuals in technologies such as Salesforce, Cisco, Microsoft, and Oracle financials to meet the industry’s demand for highly skilled manpower.

The measures introduced by the government, including the Specialized IT Zones, have led to a 13 percent increase in IT revenue in the past month.

Federal IT Secretary Hassan Nasir Jami applauded the IT ministry’s initiatives to boost IT exports and support freelancers. He encouraged entrepreneurs, students, and developers to seize the opportunities available in Pakistan’s growing IT ecosystem.


  1. There is no platform called “Elance” anymore, has not been for the past decade. Kind of spells the knowledge they have… a decade old.

  2. this initiate was made by payoneer and its for all over the world.
    so what’s the role of our so called it minister in this initiate..

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  5. It is our pleasure that the PayPal account is being started in our beloved country of Pakistan, bacause we faced a lot of trouble in paying freelancers. Thanks for the solving this problem.

  6. I am also waiting to make PayPal account but kindly place a valid PayPal account because many fake PayPal accounts are working in pakistan as we make account it’s been hacked or we can’t withdraw by last days so kindly make it possible that we can get a right PayPal account option or the logo must be differt some sort of as real thanks…

  7. majority of marketplaces required PayPal, Skrill details while creating account. if the “Third Party” isn’t listed in account creation forms, how resolve this with THIRD PARTY?


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  9. 3rd party just like Payoneer. and by the way what do you mean we will receive half of our earning. ? if that’s the case better sit back at home nd do nothing. (so called struggle to bring PayPal to Pakistan) 😑😑😑

  10. What is new in it ? i think this is old story with new paint and paint with our 50% money !!!! Oh my God they people are not servent of Pakistan they are oppertunites and holding 50% hard earn money for the sake of own interest.

    Not convienced with their efforts.

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