OGDCL announces significant hydrocarbon discovery in Sindh

Well successfully flowed 10 million MMSCFD of gas during testing

Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) has announced the successful discovery of hydrocarbon reserves from the Lower Gour B Reservoir Sand of Akhiro-1 well in Khairpur district, Sindh Province.

The E&P giant shared this development with the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) through a notice on Wednesday.  

The Sawan South Joint Venture comprises OGDCL with a 20% working interest, United Energy Pakistan Limited (UEPL) as the operator with 75% and both the Government Holding Private Limited (GHPL) and Sindh Energy Holding Limited (SEHL) holding 2.5% stakes each. 

The well was spudded in on June 15, 2024, and has been successfully drilled down to the depth of 12,442 ft MD.

 The well was tested successfully at the rate of around 10 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD) gas at choke size 24/64” at Wellhead Flowing Pressure (WHFP) of 4000 Pounds per Square Inch (Psig).

The said discovery will also help and contribute towards improving the energy security of the country from indigenous resources and add to the hydrocarbon reserves base.

The new discovery is part of an ongoing effort to explore and de-risk further hydrocarbon potential in the Sawan South Block.


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