ECC discusses issues of national interests, considers and approves various proposal

ISLAMABAD: Chaired by Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb, the meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet held here on Thursday discussed different issues of national interests, considered and approved different proposals.

Minister for Industries and Production Rana Tanveer Hussain, Minister for Power Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari, Minister of State for Finance and Revenue Mr. Ali Pervaiz Malik, along with federal secretaries and senior officers from the concerned ministries and divisions attended the meeting.

On the occasion, the ECC discussed a summary by the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination regarding the short supply of Anti-Rabies Vaccine (ARV) at Federal General Hospital Chak Shahzad Islamabad. The meeting was told that the Anti-Rabies Vaccine (ARV) used at Federal General Hospital Chak Shahzad was manufactured by the National Institute of Health Islamabad and it was currently priced at Rs. 891.65 whereas the same drug was sold at Rs. 2126.40 for WHO-approved ARV and Rs. 1266.14 for non-WHO approved ARV in the market. After due consideration, the ECC approved the proposal to increase the Maximum Retail Price of Anti-Rabies Vaccine (ARV) manufactured by the National Institute of Health, Islamabad, from Rs. 891.65 to Rs. 1980 per vial of 0.5ml/ dose to cover the landed cost of imported material and ensure its sufficient production and supply to the public sector hospitals.

The ECC also considered and approved a proposal for increase in the rate of Special Allowance (equal to 20 Daily Allowances) for the employees of Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) on a par with other federal Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). The meeting was told that the salaries of the ANF employees were considerably low as compared to employees of other LEAs despite undertaking similar work and encountering similar dangers and hazards peculiar to their job of drug prevention and border patrol. The impact of revision to the tune of Rs. 264.744 million in DA rates for the ANF employees would be met from within the current year’s sanctioned budget.

The ECC also took up and approved a proposal submitted by the Ministry of Climate Change & Environmental Coordination for grant of Technical Supplementary Grant (TSG) of Rs. 150 million to meet the requirements of the COP-29 to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11th to 22nd November 2024. The meeting was told that Pakistan, being highly vulnerable to climate change impacts, was actively engaged in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the COP-29 would afford Pakistan with an opportunity to showcase its domestic climate actions, such as renewable energy projects, afforestation initiatives, and disaster risk reduction measures by setting up a Pakistan Pavilion to host different side events to highlight the achievements.

A proposal from the Ministry of Inter Provincial Coordination for a TSG amounting to Rs. 400 for holding the 14th edition of South Asian Games in Pakistan in April next year was also taken up. However, after discussion it was decided that the proposal would be re-submitted to the next ECC with a more holistic plan with proper cost estimates of logistical details and plans for meeting the estimated expenditure through various sources, including sponsorships, commercial advertising, and estimated funding from the government.

The ECC also considered and approved a proposal submitted by Defence Division for a TSG amounting to Rs. 45 billion for various already approved projects of defence services during CFY 2024-25.


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