Vandalising sacred places

According to the constitution of Pakistan, every individual has equal rights to live one's own life in accordance with the law of...

Lessons from 2020

2020 was the worst year which we all experienced. It was tough and full of uncertainties. We lost many living legends, faced...

Unity despite differences

The PDM slogs on Reason has prevailed over emotionalism. The PDM managed to reach consensus on important issues. Briefing the media after...

Amnesty extended

Will the economy be kickstarted? Prime Minister Imran Khan seems to set great store by the construction industry’s ability to kickstart the...

New year strategy for attaining UN-SDGs 2030

The banking sector plays a key role By Syed Asim Ali Bukhari, Dr. Fathyah Hashim, and Pro. Dr. Azlan Amran With the end...

Choosing the right path in politics

The political climate in the country continues to heat up and the intensity of political confrontation is gradually increasing. Then, the question...

Missing Justice…..

Missing person cases are very current in our country and different sorts of litigation is pending in our Courts, but these days...

Welcome 2021

December has ended which calls for a farewell to the year 2020 with all the pain, pandemic, and good it brought. I...

New Year hopes and wishes

Let us all pray and hope that year 2021 brings good tidings for common citizens of Pakistan and those who hold public...

Good riddance 

The year 2020, was full of sorrows and bad news. People have faced multiple problems during this year. One of the biggest...

Why not technology?

The federal government appointed Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad as the chairperson of Ruet-e-Hilal Committee by removing the previous chairman Mufti Muneeb. Mufti...

4G services in Turbat 

All educational institutions are off due to covid-19. Thus, government announced to conduct online classes so that studies remain continued. But the...

Eroding the parties from inside

The government seems to be so rattled by the PDM’s threat to have its MNAs resign; it is trying to create splits...

The anatomy of corruption

“The concept of the imperceptible is a decisive factor distinguishing man from animal”, said Syed Qutab. Translated in Muslim spiritual parlance, it...

The dwindling world order

For the last decade and a half, the world as been facing immense challenges. These issues are emerging after the War on...