Dear reader, we’ll be talking in lakhs and crores from now on

Forgive us for how long this has taken, but we did put a lot of thought into this decision. From now on...

2023-2024 Budget

The Budget 2023-2024 was presented under constraints coming from all directions, and posed an almost insoluble problem for the Finance Minister. The...

Pakistan’s Path to Prosperity: The Urgent Need for a Regulatory Framework in the Crypto Market

In an era of rapid technological advancements, Pakistan stands at a crossroads. As the global crypto market continues its meteoric rise, surpassing...

Symptoms of distress

The state is sick and the infection has set in inside its economy. But could we lose everything else in the process too?

The currency shadow market

There are numerous PKR-USD exchange rates that exist. The rate at which various banks transact and conduct transactions is known as the...

Demographic liability

It’s very difficult to educate hungry children

The volatility premium

Compensating for the risk of doing business in Pakistan

Record inflation and the journey there

Little can be achieved from fixating on when the rot started to set in. What is needed is a focus on where we stand and what can now be done

Changing how Pakistanis commute and think about commuting

This February marked a decade of Lahore’s BRT service. But what can we learn from the past to better our mass transit future?

Price Fixing

The government is obsessed with fixing prices, whether that be of the most basic staples, fuel, or medicine – it wants to...

The bad economics of cross-subsidising fuel

A bad idea that should be shelved, at least, for the time being

The signs of collapse

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that inflation is hurting badly. One just needs to be a shopper with a...

Does your portfolio suffer from home bias?

Investors’ resounding preference for their home markets remains one of the great puzzles of the investment world

It’s takes two to tango

Progressive Banking and Business Community

Provincialization of electricity distribution companies

Restructuring only way to achieve optimal efficiency