Falling exports can result in another IMF loan: warns PEW


The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW), on Sunday, said exports, investment and remittances continue to fall hitting Forex reserves which will result in another IMF loan.

Exports are falling while imports have gone out of control due to liberal import regime which is creating serious problems for the economy, said PEW President Dr Murtaza Mughal.

The export officials waste time and money and blame energy crisis, to absolve themselves of all the responsibility, he added.

With ever-increasing imports, the trade deficit in the first nine months of the current fiscal year reached $23 billion.

Exporters have been demanding that the rupee should be depreciated to boost exports but the government was not convinced of the exporters’ argument.

It may be mentioned that textile is a vital part of our economy which comprises 55 per cent of total exports. Pakistan’s total export was used to be 25 billion dollars out of which 13 billion dollars plus was textiles share. Now exports have been reduced to 20 billion dollars with textiles export reduced to 11 billion dollars.

In the past, the government depreciated the local currency to support exporters, but the move did not yield desired results; therefore policymakers are not ready to repeat the mistake which is laudable.

The situation can be changed by ending adhocism, promoting SME sector, appointment of professionals on key posts and taking some unpopular decisions.

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