Pakistan slaps antidumping duty on import of PFY from China, Malaysia


In a move to domestic market and producers, the National Tariff Commission (NTC) has imposed definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of Polyester Filament Yarn (PFY) from China and Malaysia.

NTC has decided to impose definitive anti-dumping duties, ranging from 3.25 per cent to 11.35 per cent on PFY imported from the two countries for a period of five years effective from August 26, 2017. The anti-dumping duty rates are determined by the C&F value in ad valorem terms.

According to available documents, NTC had initiated an antidumping investigation on February 27, 2016, under Section 23 of the Anti-Dumping Duties Act, 2015, after establishing that the application lodged by Gatron Industries Limited, Karachi and Rupali Polyester Limited, Lahore, on behalf of domestic industry producing PFY, was in accordance with Sections 20 and 24 of the Act.

After the thorough investigation, NTC had reached the conclusion that the dumped PFY, originating in and/or exported from China and Malaysia, had caused material injury to the domestic industry producing PFY. However, said duty would not be applicable on imports from other countries.

Due to a large number of exporters/foreign producers, the Commission had decided to limit the number of exporters/foreign producers from China for detailed examination on the basis of the volume of exports.

The Commission selected 10 exporters/producers from China on the basis of highest import volume, affiliated companies and varieties of investigated product. The selected exporters/producers represent 50.20 per cent of the volume of exports of PFY from China.

A residual antidumping duty rate has been determined for non-cooperating exporters/ foreign producers of the exporting countries, which is the highest dumping margin among the investigated exporters/ foreign producers.

According to NTC, the Commission has determined that the domestic industry suffered a material injury during POI on account of increase in the volume of dumped imports, price undercutting, the decline in market share, production and capacity utilisation, negative effect on productivity and wages, cash flows, return on investment and increase in losses.

The Commission has also examined factors other than dumped imports however, the analysis showed that the domestic industry has not suffered material injury due to others factors.

PFY imported from sources other than China and Malaysia shall not be subject to the definitive anti-dumping duties.

Ghulam Abbas
Ghulam Abbas
The writer is a member of the staff at the Islamabad Bureau. He can be reached at [email protected]


  1. What would you say about section 51 (e) of anti dumping act.
    Can NTC imposed ADD on imported itmes that are used as a component for export.

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