DPCA uncovers tax evasion in import of cancer drug

KARACHI: A case of tax evasion in import of cancer drug named “Tasigna” has been uncovered by Directorate of Post-Clearance Audit (DPCA).

According to a report in Business Recorder, a leading pharmaceutical company imported two consignments of the aforementioned medicine from Switzerland in September and October 2017.

This pharmaceutical company via Goods Declaration claimed benefit under SR.No.19 (iii) Table 11 C of fifth schedule and consignments got declared under Green Channel facility.

Post-clearance investigation disclosed that customs duty had been wrongly claimed for the medicine “Tasigna” to the tune of Rs14.74 million. Sources revealed the pharma company with the help of its clearing agent knowingly misused Green Channel facility and claimed incorrect exemption to avail extra benefit.

This is a cognizable offence under Customs Act 1969 as per SRO dated June 13th, 2009. The accused pharma company imported 458.57 kg’s of Tasigna during September and October 2017. It availed an illegal tax benefit in this regard, to which the company admitted.

After being apprised by Customs department about the illegal tax benefit claimed, the company paid all tax demand generated during post-clearance audit.

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