World Bank approves $160b emergency aid to fight Covid-19 

The World Bank has approved 160 billion dollar emergency aid over 15 months to help countries deal with the impact of the global coronavirus pandemic.

The bank said in a statement that its board approved the first set of fast-track crisis projects with an initial 1.9 billion dollar going to 25 countries and operations moving forward in another 40 nations.

READ MORE: The great big Profit survey of the COVID-19 pandemic

Talking to reporters in Washington, World Bank President David Malpass said our teams around the world remain focused on country-level and regional solutions to address the ongoing crisis.

India will be the largest beneficiary of the first wave of programmes with a facility for one billion dollar, followed by Pakistan with 200 million dollar and Afghanistan with over 100 million dollar.

Also read: How might the Coronavirus outbreak affect Pakistan’s economy?

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