Load Shedding in Pakistan

Pakistan has god-gifted resources and is the 7th atomic power of the world but unfortunately, due to bad governance and lack of political management, Pakistan has been suffering hugely with load shedding. The whole nation of Pakistan is waiting for the proper solution of load shedding but results are unseen, as we are very familiar in these days, the time table of load shedding has been set by the administration of electricity to cover the short fall of power. In big cities the duration of load shedding is 7 to 8 hours whereas, in small villages, it is 14 to 15 hours. Here, the question arises that why we are facing load shedding when we are paying huge amount of bills with extra taxes. Why the government imposes load shedding on us? There are hidden serious issues if we stare deeply to it: the students due to load shedding, get disturbed, the businesses, due to load shedding, face huge disruptions. Pakistan is an atomic power but still not producing atomic energy in vast scale also we have a land of rivers but not utilizing them to produce hydro energy. Even we have big resources of coal and gas but still not producing the thermal energy. In Pakistan, the weather is mostly sunny throughout the year and from 365 days almost more than 250 days are sunny but still there is no use of solar energy to produce electricity. In short, the government is not taking the right measures and means to supply electricity.

Amreen Shaukat 


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  1. That on clearance will be $65,000,0000 trillion dollars on spot of the Islamic republic of Pakistan from banquet El scolere of Denmark to the country apamisrwb!!! Pakistan!!!

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