Pakistan-Uzbek transit trade marks historic launch

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan and Uzbekistan transit trade and export of goods to Pakistan through Afghanistan was launched here on Tuesday.

In this regard, an Uzbek cargo truck crossed the Afghan transit route in two days and reached the Torkham checkpoint in Peshawar on May 11. After the completion of customs clearance, the truck will reach the importer in Faisalabad.

According to a press release from Ministry of Commerce, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Pakistan together with Pakistani transport company, Best Trans Pvt. Ltd., and Uzbek freight forwarding company, Asad Trans, for the first time implemented pilot trans-Afghan logistics project for the direct delivery of Uzbek export goods to Pakistan through the territory of Afghanistan.

The project launched as a joint began working on a project for direct delivery through Afghanistan of Uzbek goods to Pakistani cities according to the supplier’s warehouse – importer’s warehouse scheme.

The implementation of the specified transit transportation of Uzbek goods is the implementation of trans-Afghan transport and logistics projects initiated by the president of Uzbekistan.

The project will significantly reduce of the cost of transportation of Uzbek goods, including shipping at Uzbek-Afghan border, and subsequently at Afghan-Pakistani border in accordance with TIR CARNET Convention, members of which are Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Exports from Uzbekistan will include processed leather products for Pakistani leather factories while later shipments will include planned regular direct delivery of Uzbek export goods like coal, mineral fertilisers and textiles to the Pakistani cities Lahore, Karachi, Taxila and Faisalabad.

The number of freight vehicles will be increased up to 50 units by the end of the year to ensure the smooth circulation of goods by Uzbek trucks.

According to Best Trans Pvt. Ltd. Chairman, Ramiz Rabbani, the expected signing of intergovernmental agreements between Uzbekistan and Pakistan on preferential and transit trade will be an impetus for the development of inter regional freight circulation through the trans-Afghan route.

Meanwhile, Adviser to Prime Minister on Commerce and Industry Abdul Razak Dawood said that a new milestone has been achieved with the first-ever truck from Uzbekistan reaching Pakistan under the TIR Convention.

“This was the result of collaboration between the transport companies of the two sides, he said on his twitter account,” he said.

The adviser said that this is the beginning of a new era where trucks from both sides will take trade cargo to and from Karachi and Gwadar ports.



  1. Alhamdulillah! Mubarak ho! The trade with Central Asian States has begun and with love and entreaty we are optimistic it will be without any major complaints.
    This is very, very important for unifying and bolstering Muslim inter-action. Ameen. Salams and Eid Mubarak.

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