PSX’s hospitality and taxation troubles – this week in Pakistan’s business and economics Twitterverse

A lot was happening this week, with suggestions to have the PSX learn something from lawn mania, SMEs having a smug moment, Pakistan being treated like an uncool kid, and KFC trolling McDonalds. Ariba Shahid brings you all this and more in this week’s social media roundup. 


You can’t sit with us 

Remember when you were young and weren’t invited to sit with the cool kids. Well that’s Pakistan right now. Maybe next semester? To be fair and a little bit hopeful, some people do have glow ups later on and become cool. Those cases, however, are not that frequent and usually come as the result of making a conscious decision to improve. Many don’t. In the case of entire countries, well, let us just say they are a little more set in their ways and it takes a tad bit longer. 

Fight for those stocks 

Sales as clothing stores get pretty intense. Imagine how crazy the PSX would get if people flocked to open up accounts the same way they do at sales. But the PSX needs to make itself more approachable for that. Maybe change their colour scheme? Have more sales? Anything to have people rolling on the floor trying to tear some shares away from each other’s hands. Perhaps they should hand the PSX over to Sapphire for a couple of days. 

KFC vs McDonalds 

Don’t you just love it when corporations troll each other? This is one of our recent faves where KFC just made the first move. We’re interested to see what comes next from McDonalds. Although, McDonalds has stayed mum in the past over situations like this, particularly when KFC opened a branch close to McDonald’s in Lahore and put up signs on that road where McDonalds started that had an arrow and read “KFC ahead … Keep moving.” 

Treat yourself 

Austerity and humbleness is all great and dandy but sometimes you should just spoil yourself. Besides, you need to stay well rested and comfortable to stay fresh enough to make money. You definitely should get that upgrade to business class.

Win for SMEs

You often hear people say that banks don’t loan out to SMEs and loan to big companies. This is a smug moment for all the SMEs. Will it stop banks from continuing their behaviour? Unlikely. No matter what they’re never wrong. 

Pick up please

Khurram Schehzad highlights two key issues. One, the new tax. Two, the fact that calling banks takes more than 5 minutes and is nothing but sheer torture.

Taxes keep taxin 

Gup shup is part of the job. Let people have their phone calls especially in a country where internet penetration is low. This tax is regressive towards the poor. We also condemn all of the fun being made at the expense of lovebirds who are in crisis after hearing the news that their late night phone calls will now be even more of an expense than they were before. Their problems are serious and should be taken so. We should also maybe pay some attention to those that don’t have the benefits of Whatsapp. 

K electric with some poetry 

No tweet by K electric has ever been this beautiful. While its funny seeing corporate twitter accounts act like humans with their cheesy humor, seldom do we see anyone doing it so effortlessly.

Just read it again 

Honestly, you’ll need to read the tweet at least twice to understand whats happened. 

Ariba Shahid
Ariba Shahid
The author is a business journalist at Profit. She can be reached at [email protected] or at

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