Another donation fund, this time for Afghanistan

Afghanistan needs humanitarian aid, but sanctions are proving to be a hindrance in transferring funds

The government seems to be gearing up to launch another call for donations after the Dam Fund. This time the stated purpose of the fund will be “to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan.”

“It has been decided to establish/open with immediate effect a Fund to be known as ‘Afghanistan Relief Fund’ to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan” said a statement uploaded to the finance ministry website on Wednesday, December 8th

A network of accounts will be opened in the State Bank, the National Bank of Pakistan and all scheduled banks. “The fund may receive donations from both domestic and international donors and contributions from abroad which will be received at all the branches of above referred banks” the statement said. “In other foreign countries the contributions will be received at Pakistan missions and remitted to the State Bank of Pakistan which would prescribe necessary procedures for their accounting.”


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