Loans under Mera Ghar scheme to be disbursed for approved applicants

Only 21,980 low-cost houses completed, 52,439 under construction and 95,084 in planning phase out of 5m houses planned by PTI

ISLAMABAD: The government will continue providing loans under the ‘Mera Pakistan Mera Ghar’ (MPMG) scheme, Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Miftah Ismail said on Friday.

In a tweet, the minister said he had held a meeting with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) wherein it was decided that the housing loan scheme would continue for all those whose loan applications had been approved and who had paid a bayana.

He said the government would also ask banks to reduce the interest rate they had charged. 

“Just had a meeting at the SBP. The government will continue with the MGMP housing loan scheme for all those whose loan applications have been approved and who have paid advances (bayana). We will also ask the banks to reduce the interest rate charged,” he tweeted

Miftah added the government was still in the process of reshaping the scheme to make it cheaper and more widespread, adding that the revised scheme would be rolled out soon.

Earlier on June 30, the central bank had instructed banks to put disbursements under the Mera Pakistan Mera Ghar (MPMG) scheme till August 31, 2022, stating that “The government was considering a review/revision of the features of the scheme in light of recent developments in the macroeconomic scenario.”

However, it had clarified that financial institutions may release remaining disbursements under MPMG in cases where partial disbursements have already been made till June 30, 2022.

It is pertinent to note that out of the previous Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government’s promise to provide five million houses under the banner of Naya Pakistan Housing Programme, only 21,980 low-cost houses have so far been completed while 52,439 are under construction and 95,084 are in their planning phase. The flagship programme was aimed at ensuring availability of adequate housing in Pakistan as well as improving economic activities in the construction sector. 





  1. Waiting for government notification. Plz do it as soon as possible otherwise we will lost our all efforts with money (bayana).

  2. Aftab ahmad,Notification should be as soon as possible. Otherwise we will lose our bayana and all the efforts to complete documents will be destroyed.

  3. Bank of Punjab is not restated the process as per circular issed by State Bank of Pakistan dated 25.07.2022.

  4. Sir,
    My wife afsana perveen cnic no 3520289807412.she launched a applecation in bank of Punjab in .about one year ago.mera Pakistan Mera Ghar .procsess as per circle issue .yet stop .no response.
    Plz N/action issue for my loan.
    Syed Sajid Ali
    Retired sub inspector.
    God bless U

  5. The Governor
    State Bank of Pakistan

    Respected Sir,

    Most respectfully it’s stated that I am a senior teacher and working in Federal Government School at Islamabad.
    I have applied for MERA GHAR MERA PAKISTAN LOANS SCHEME and My case was forwarded/ approved from NBP ISLAMABAD before 30-June-2022.
    I have paid a heavy amount as BAYANA/ Token Money for the PLOT and Construction but I have not received any amount of LOANS yet from the NBP .
    Yesterday! I have received a call from the officer of THE STATE BANK OF PAKISTAN With the connection this Loan and he advised me for further process to get the LOANS.
    , It’s please requested that kindly allowed the final sanctions of the LOANS amount for further development and save my heavy amount of BAYANA/Token money wich I have already paid to the LANDLORD and construction company.
    I shall be special thankful to you for this

    Thanking you
    Muhammad Nawaz
    CNIC # 33201-9700028-3
    Mob # 0333-4496940

  6. Salam…I also applied for laon ..and my laon is approved before 30 June 2022…so please tell me when the laon policy is resume for us from laila sahar arshad karachi

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