Pakistan welcomes first LPG shipment from Russia with Iranian assistance

100,000 metric tons of LPG delivered through Iran’s Sarakhs Special Economic Zone, discussions on a potential second shipment are also underway

Pakistan received its first shipment of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) from Russia, a significant development in the country’s energy landscape, as confirmed by Moscow’s embassy in Islamabad.

This marks Pakistan’s second major energy deal with Russia, following an earlier agreement for the supply of Russian crude oil.

According to the embassy’s statement, Pakistan received 100,000 metric tons of LPG, delivered with the assistance of Iran, through its Sarakhs Special Economic Zone. While discussions on a potential second shipment are underway, details of Iran’s involvement and the pricing of the LPG remain undisclosed.

Pakistan had previously noted that payments for Russian crude oil were made in Chinese currency, though the specific value of that deal was never made public. These discounted energy imports from Russia are of considerable importance to Pakistan, given its current economic challenges, notably a precarious balance of payments situation.

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