Govt proposes duty-free import of cars for overseas Pakistanis

ISLAMABAD: In a bid to recognize the efforts of overseas Pakistanis, the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development has proposed duty-free import of one hybrid car (upto 3000cc) for Foreign Exchange Remittance Card holders, who remit $100,000 over a period of two years.

The ministry has been mandated to redress the problems of overseas Pakistanis and to formulate policies for their welfare, said the overseas ministry in a notification sent to concerned parties, which include the Ministry of Industries & Production, and the Engineering Development Board.

“In this context, on the direction of Prime Minster’s Delivery Unit, the Prime Minister’s office, this Ministry is in the process of devising a Manual of Privilege for Overseas Pakistanis-2019,” the notification read.

According to the notification, all relevant stakeholders have been requested to furnish the input/proposed privileges to be extended by their organisations and departments.


  1. Honorable Chairman Mr. H.M. Shehzad All Pakistan Motor Dealers Association grateful for your recommendation of one Hybrid Auto Duty Free import. The Manual of Previleged for Overseas Pakistan 2019 the notification read.
    As the honorable Shahzad Sahib, is an icon to this area of Car Import in Gifts, could steer Pakistan to Policy Framework of Climate Change Deployment which necessiates Cars should comply to emissions from Petrol would expose Pakistan to Climate Change which means crop failures due to hot weather, heavy rains etc., hence only an EV (Electric Vehicle) which will be charged with a Solar Roof panel will not emit carbon. The operating cost will be ZERO. No petrol, diesel, CNG needed. NO FUEL TANK.
    A brand new plant is being laid by Bayerische Motor Works BMW Germany in China near to Pakistan border to a brand new plant which will make cars to be shipped by BMW Germany. Mr. Shahzad a meeting can be arranged for you for a meeting with the respective group of BMW for this new car/SUV for marketing/production/SKD assembly in Karachi Pakistan for a revolution in the Climate Change conseuences which would also require reccomending a Bicycle Track in all Karachi and transport compliant to Climate Change would only be used, as this would also alarm the higher sea levels as seen in Jakarta, Indonesia.
    This would change the scenario of Auto trade in Pakistan.

  2. What a joke as the policy is made for “Shahzadas”. It states that “the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development has proposed duty-free import of one hybrid car (upto 3000cc) for Foreign Exchange Remittance Card holders, who remit $100,000 over a period of two years.” How many oversees send such big amount of remittances to their near and dear ones”. Such big remittance requires that the income of the sender would be at least 150k$ per annum against the average earnings of 40-50k even in uk or usa standards.
    Clearly some Mafia is benefit from such a scheme, SRO culture remains in tact in ” new Pakistan”.

  3. hi Guys, is this scheme is approved and available now. want to export my car from Dubai to Pakistan.

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