Editor’s Note: Moral cowardice

For a minute there, we had hope. To anyone who has hoped for a more tolerant Pakistan, where a person is judged not...

Good corporate governance should demand better CEO accountability

In most Pakistani organizations, performance management gets worse the higher one climbs the greasy pole. Boards and shareholders should learn about and be thorough in evaluating top management

Dissenting note: Here is what the government might be thinking 

The criticism around the government's recently unveiled IT Export Policy is premature, primarily because there is a lack of information. The 18-page...

The SIFC and the Dar problem

Pakistan has just had a close brush with Dar, but it seems that the worst is over. While Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif...

The case for E-bikes 

We’ve all heard the saying. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, you teach a man how...

Asking the wrong questions

Where is the dollar headed to? Should I buy a car now before it gets expensive? Is the economy out of the...

Foreign Direct Investment – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The sort of FDI we need and the sort we don't

Cat food and import bills – this week in Pakistan’s business and economics twitterverse

The nation’s pet owners were up in arms this past week as it appeared that the government was banning pet food along...

Can PTCL’s new CEO turn back the clock?

The market just isn’t big enough for these many players. This is a statement that is thrown around a lot these days,...

Learning from history: How to protect Pakistan from Amazon’s antitrust practices

The sellers need to remember that Amazon is not just an opportunity, it is the competition

An open letter to the chief blocking officer at the PTA

Who knew that in the age of technology, solutions exist that negate the need to blanket ban apps just so a few sociopaths can’t coordinate their desire to channel the devil while he’s locked up? Public affairs teams need to step up their game or hire a local expert to represent them

The catch 22 of working in a male-dominated profession

Men are promoted on potential, women on performance

Can Changan do for sedans what KIA did for SUVs?

The Alsvin is popular, cheap, and a quality buy. Will it be enough?

Chicken and affordable protein

The price of broiler chicken has increased to more than Rs 400 per kg lately, largely due to supply chain constraints, and...

eCommerce Awards 2021 – How, Why & What’s Next

Pakistan’s eCommerce industry is tiny! The global average for eCommerce transactions as a percentage of total retail is in the 15% range...