SBP eases conditions for renewable energy solution providers

Revision expected to further facilitate in production of clean energy  

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Monday eased the conditions for renewable energy solution providers under its Refinance Scheme for Renewable Energy in a bid to promote investment in renewable energy solutions.

Renewable Energy Investment Entities (RE-IEs) interested in installing renewable energy projects are now allowed to avail refinance under category-III of the scheme.

It may be mentioned here that under Category III, financing is allowed to vendors, suppliers, energy sale companies for installation of wind and solar systems of up to 5 MW.

The scheme comprises of three categories and although there has been substantial take up under Category I & II, solution suppliers under Category-III reported facing problems. Therefore, in light of the feedback received from stakeholders including renewable energy solution suppliers, Alternate Energy Development Board, NEPRA and banks, the requirement of AEDB certification has been relaxed for RE-IEs who do not undertake installations on their own but hire services of installers/vendors for installation of RE projects.

However, vendors, suppliers, and engineering procurement & construction (EPC) contractors of these RE-IE will still be required to be certified under AEDB certification regulations. It is expected that the revision in category-III will further facilitate in production of clean energy.

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  1. Y not more N power ?

    The Genius of AQK & the Pakistan Military,& the M& arins of the MFA,is that Pakistah has a high cost power matrix – which JUSTIFIES N Power – & thus,justifies Enrichment facilities & Nuclear power generation.All this,& STILL Pakistan has he LDC status,has a weak PKR (for exports- which is a export subsidy) & also,GETS AID FROM WB,IMF,DANIDA,SDC,OECF,JICA…………..

    The Persians do NOT have,this luxury.They have SURPLUS HYDEL & LIQUID FUELS,& COAL BASED POWER ! They have NO JUSTIFICATION FOR NUCLEAR POWER – except to Nuke out Israel – & ARE STILL,GUNG HO,ON N-POWER !

    Pakistan has an IDEAL CASE to import Chinese N-power plants,with the Fuel Rods

    Existing N plants – have to run at MAX capacities -for analysis of N Power Cycle – at high stress loads, – before ramping up Pakistan,in synch with the Chinese ramp up dindooohindoo

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