Welcome Bill jee – this week in Pakistan’s business and economics twitterverse

 Bill Gates in Pakistan caused quite the fuss. After all, he made Windows which we haven’t always paid for bit greatly appreciate. Speaking of haven’t paid for, whatsapp has taken over the workplace – and its free. No key required. This week we also witnessed Parody accounts being treated as the real deal. All this and more from Pakistan’s Twitterverse. 

Whatsapp has proven to be more than just a communication app. You probably won’t believe it, but other than our task uploading platform, we mostly use whatsapp for work at Profit too. 

In a world of virtual meetings, please just avoid Microsoft teams. Thanks. 


Name a better asset class than a 2017 corolla. We dare you. 

Excuse the profanity but a picture is not a form of endorsement, or at least shouldn’t be taken as such

Sometimes we have to do a double take to see which is the real and parody account. This is the parody account. I know we’re just as confused as you guys.

If only Bill gates was here on a legit visit to invest/ develop instead of a philanthropic trip 

You can’t kill the real estate market. The real estate market kills you. 

We all do. In fact I’m sure the govt still uses that version

So does this mean we’ll have warm water next winter and food on the table?

Poor Muzzammil got owned over something he didn’t say but had the tendency to say. 

Ariba Shahid
Ariba Shahid
The author is a business journalist at Profit. She can be reached at [email protected] or at twitter.com/AribaShahid

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