Following directives from Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa provincial government has announced a new initiative to provide interest-free loans to young people residing in popular tourist destinations of the province. Zahid Chin Zai, the Special Assistant to the Chief Minister for Tourism and Culture, confirmed that this scheme aims to include the youth in the promotion of tourism under the leadership of Gandapur.
The loan scheme, set to cover areas such as Kalam Swat, Kumrat Upper Dir, Laram Top Lower Dir, Upper and Lower Chitral, Galyat Abbottabad, Kaghan, and Manshera, will offer financial assistance for young people to build or renovate rooms for tourists in their homes. The first phase of the initiative will focus on facilitating the construction of additional rooms or renovations in order to accommodate tourists visiting these popular destinations.
The program is being implemented in collaboration with the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Culture and Tourism Authority and the Bank of Khyber, with a special focus on empowering women entrepreneurs in these areas. Loan amounts can go up to Rs 3 million for construction and renovation efforts.
To ensure the success of the program, recipients will be required to maintain high standards of hospitality in the newly constructed rooms for tourists. The initiative’s goal is to create sustainable livelihoods for the youth while simultaneously boosting the province’s tourism industry.
The deadline for submitting loan applications is January 28, 2025.