Digital news units of Indian billionaires Gautam Adani and Mukesh Ambani, along with other outlets including the Indian Express and the Hindustan Times, are joining a legal case against OpenAI for alleged misuse of copyrighted content, court filings show.
The media companies have approached a New Delhi court to participate in an ongoing lawsuit, citing concerns about OpenAI scraping and reproducing their content without authorization.
ANI initially filed the lawsuit against OpenAI last year, and other publishers, including global and Indian book publishers, have since joined. The case filing by media organizations, including Adani’s NDTV, Ambani’s Network18, and the Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA), argues that OpenAI’s practices pose risks to their copyrights and economic interests.
OpenAI has maintained that it uses publicly available data under fair use principles and has partnered with several international media outlets. The Indian publishers argue that similar agreements have not been made with Indian companies, negatively impacting their businesses.
The global AI market is projected to grow from $320 billion to $380 billion by 2027, with India expected to follow the trend. OpenAI recently emphasized India as a key market, noting the country’s growing user base and young demographic.
The hearing for ANI’s lawsuit against OpenAI is scheduled for Tuesday. OpenAI has contested the jurisdiction of Indian courts in the matter, citing the location of its servers outside India. Meanwhile, OpenAI continues to expand partnerships globally, including agreements with media outlets in Europe and the U.S.