Kill transactions, kill economic growth
Shopping malls are empty, consumer businesses are reporting losses in double digits, people are losing jobs while new ones are not available,...
Balance for better: Are women’s networks really needed?
Ideally, we’re all part of the human race. We all have equal possibilities in the world based on our abilities and desire....
Return of the Stay at Home Mom – The Second Innings
During the time when I was desperately looking for a job, I got a call from a recruitment manager of a well-known...
How Pakistan can avoid the “Dutch Disease”
Should the country soon find itself awash in hydrocarbon wealth, how it chooses to manage that surplus will be critical
Business begins at home
It is high time we shift our diplomatic focus to our own businessmen in order to achieve desired objectives of attracting foreign investors
200 million people and zero unicorns
A successful Pakistani Silicon Valley entrepreneur opens up about building
the next great startup in Pakistan
Pakistan’s Basic Billionaires
How the wealthy elite in Pakistan remains unimaginative with their use of capital, and why that is holding the nation back
Under the wings of the great Jack Ma
Bykea Founder and Daraz Co-Founder Muneeb Maayr’s memoir of his time with Jack Ma – Founder and CEO AliBaba Group
Explainer: Pakistan’s twin deficits and how can they be contained?
A vicious cycle leads to these “twin deficits” which is an increase in consumption of imports, reduction in savings and an increase in foreign capital injection single-handedly deteriorates the current account balance
Daronomics and its aftershocks
A familiar mess that the PTI has inherited
Pakistan needs to get out of the comfort zone, end cycle of borrowing
Pakistan is stuck in a repeated cycle of borrowing to pay back money it already owes to other countries. The scary part - it seems like it has become too comfortable with it.
Finding cigar butts
Last week must have shaken the faint-hearted. KSE-100 Index declined by 4.4%, the Pakistan rupee depreciated to a record low of Rs131 (-5%)...
We have come a long way, the wrong way!
There was a time, not too long ago, when mankind exhibited a remarkable level of intelligence. It was a time when technology...
Rooting for the uprooted
If we look at today's tech driven world, there are thousands of very successful Sheikh Chillis around us. Sheikh Chilli was a dreamer not a loser!
What makes Pakistan plump for IMF time and time again?
Pakistan has been approaching International Monitoring Fund (IMF), intermittently, since 1988. The last programme was successfully completed during the period 2013-16. However,...