Finding meaning in fungibility

How foreign assistance fuels much more than just tanks and public sector spending

Can Ms Marvel be the superhero Pakistan needs to finally go mainstream?

A lot has been said about cultural representation in the media. I’m assuming this is the last place you would expect discourse...

Why ban Tinder?

Banning Tinder changes nothing, except giving its ‘halal’ competitors an edge.

Taken for a ride: Uber’s free ride wasn’t free after all

It was 9:07 pm and my thoughts raced like a tangled mess, loops of thread getting stuck at adjacent knots and reversing...

Why can’t we compete in global markets?

Why are Pakistani businesses unable to compete in the global markets? What is it that inhibits them from breaking through overseas? As...

Sedative Electricity Reforms

The current electricity strategy pursued by the Government under the garb of reforms is not in the best interest of the sector....

Why Fauji Meat is the smartest decision made by the Fauji group in decades

The worst way to think about a profitable investment strategy – whether it be as an individual investor or as a CEO...

Change the sheriff, do not increase our taxes

About 60 million uneducated children will enter our labour force over the next decade. All of us should focus our attention to...

Value Trapped!

Will high inflation turn the tables in favour of local brands?

Leadership in business

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”...

The unicorns are here and it’s time to invest in our tech infrastructure

Investing in the Pakistan tech infrastructure stack that will power our tech unicorns

A primer on refinery margins

To a casual observer, refining is a boring and largely commoditized business often exposed to volatility in commodity prices.  During the last...

FinTech – shaping the future for the better

Pakistan may be late to the party, but that doesn’t mean it’s even close to last call

Pakistan’s economy under Musharraf

Economic achievements in difficult circumstances during former president Pervez Musharraf‘s regime are dismissed outright because of abhorrence of the military rule, imposition...

Winter is coming for the startups

“Winter is coming. We know what’s coming with it.” This line from the television show Game of Thrones, which is based on...