Pakistan despatches compliance report on money laundering to FATF

Pakistan on Wednesday night dispatched its detailed reply comprising about 120 pages along with annexure details of 500 pages to the Joint Group of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) for sharing progress on 22 points in a bid to come out of the grey list.

According to a private media outlet, the joint FATF group would now scrutinise Pakistan’s compliance/performance report in its scheduled meeting at Beijing (China) from January 21 to 24, 2020, where the Pakistani delegation will be given the opportunity to defend each and every point written in its progress report.

The plenary meeting of FATF for deciding the fate of the county is expected to take place in Paris by mid-February 2020 in which Pakistan’s progress report on 22 point action plan will be gauged with possibility of three scenarios, including graduating from grey list to white list, keeping the country on grey list for another extended period of three to six months and thirdly putting the country on undesirable blacklist.

Earlier, the FATF in the last plenary meeting had shown satisfaction over 5-point action plan out of total 27 and kept the country on the grey list for an extended period up to February 2020.

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