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Pakistan’s Performance on the tour of New Zealand has given birth to a new debate, once again the Technicality of our batting order, the ability of the coach, and the selection process of the team has been called into question by former cricketers and sports analysts.
Before the start of the tour, Pakistan Team was stuck by a huge below when in-form and probably the most reliable batsman of Pakistan in current times Babar Azam got injured. Babers injury exposed Pakistan,s frail Batting order in tough batting conditions
Shadab who replaced Baber as a captain was unable to deal with challenges that our team usually faces on away tours, besides that he could not find a match-winning combination. Hyder Ali and Khushdil Shah who were being glorified on the basis of their performance in PSL struggled with their batting technique on bouncing and seeming tracks. The poor fielding during the T-20 series as well as Test Series further added to our miseries.
It seems that we are no more a good test side ever since the retirement of Younis Khan and Misbahul-Haq, even under the captaincy of Sarfaraz we Struggled during the Test Matches, and it is the area that needs special concentration.
The Poor Show in New Zealand must have shaken the Minds of PCB officials and it is high time to take heedful steps so that cricket may not face hockey-like downfall in future.
Kamran Khamiso Khawaja

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