Innovative Pvt Ltd clinches best performance award at Diebold Nixdorf Partner Summit 2024

This marks the fourth consecutive year that IPL has been honored at the summit

Karachi, 22 May 2024: Innovative Pvt Ltd (IPL) has once again proven its market leadership by securing the prestigious “Best Performance Award”, recognized as the top award of the region, at the Diebold Nixdorf Partner Summit 2024. 

This marks the fourth consecutive year that IPL has been honored at the summit, solidifying its status as a dominant force in the field of Self-Service Banking Solutions. With this latest accolade, IPL has now won a total of seven Diebold Nixdorf Awards, highlighting its consistent excellence and industry leadership.

Over the past three years, IPL has consistently demonstrated exceptional performance and innovation, earning accolades such as the Best Market Penetration Award 2022-23, the Best Market Share Growth Partner Award 2021-22, and the Strategic Win Award 2020-21. This year’s recognition further underscores IPL’s steadfast commitment to excellence and its pivotal role in driving industry standards.

Reflecting on this milestone, Naveed Ali Baig, CEO Innovative Pvt Ltd (IPL) said: “We are incredibly honored to receive the Best Performance Award at the DN Partner Summit 2024. This achievement is a reflection of our team’s hard work, dedication, and our continuous pursuit of excellence. We are proud to be recognized by Diebold Nixdorf, a global leader in banking and retail technology, and we remain committed to advancing innovation and excellence in our services.”

The Best Performance Award is a testament to IPL’s outstanding achievements in market coverage, customer satisfaction, and technological innovation. It reflects the company’s dedication to delivering cutting-edge solutions and unparalleled service in Pakistan and Afghanistan, representing industry giants.


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