OGDCL chairman addresses annual dinner 2018

ISLAMABAD: The annual dinner for officers of Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) was arranged by office bearers of OGDCL Officers’ Association in Marriot Hotel, Islamabad on January 30, 2018.

OGDCL Board of Directors Chairman Zahid Muzaffar was the Chief Guest for the evening. He highly appreciated the expeditious completion of projects like Sinjhoro, UCH-II, KPD and Nashpa and added that the same could only be possible due to a well-thought-out and professionally sound project development strategy.

He also congratulated the management and the officers on the progressive growth despite numerous challenges.

OGDCL Managing Director and CEO Zahid Mir appreciated the cordial and positive tendency of the association during their tenure. He vowed heartfelt dedication and keenness in all endeavours and projects of the company aimed at enabling OGDCL to become a backbone support of the country’s economy and a backlash to the energy crisis.

He emphasised the necessity of adopting viable operational patterns for progressive transitions in the company. He also expressed pleasure on accomplishing the exploration and drilling activities of wells at Dhok Hussain within a period of 199 days.

The opening address of the evening was given by OGDCL Officers’ Association President Mahmood Ul Hassan Gurmani wherein he congratulated and extended a heap of gratitude to the board of director’s chairman and the management for providing leadership and steering the company forward.


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