Competition Tribunal upholds CCP’s order against media industry giants

CCP's decision follows a probe into complaints by Bol Media and others against PBA, Broadcaster Advertisers Council, and Medialogic (Pvt) Limited. 

In a decisive ruling, the Competition Appellate Tribunal (CAT) has dismissed the appeal filed by the Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA), upholding the Competition Commission of Pakistan’s (CCP) directive to major media industry players to refrain from violating competition laws.

According to a press release, the CCP’s action resulted from a thorough enquiry initiated by a complaint from M/s Bol Media Network, M/s Labbaik (Pvt) Limited, and M/s Bol Enterprises (Pvt) Limited against PBA, Broadcaster Advertisers Council (BAC) and Medialogic (Pvt) Limited. 

Bol alleged in its complaint that Medialogic had denied its ratings through an arrangement concealed within three distinct agreements involving the PBA, BAC, Pakistan Advertisers Society (PAS), and Medialogic.

The CCP declared the three agreements null and void, finding them to be anti-competitive and in violation of Section 4 of the Competition Act, 2010. 

These agreements effectively excluded non-PBA and non-BAC members from receiving ratings and services from Medialogic, creating barriers to entry for non-members and new entrants. Medialogic was also threatened with monetary penalties if it provided ratings to non-PBA members. 

Additionally, non-PBA members were barred from joining the BAC.

PBA challenged the CCP’s order in an appeal before the Competition Appellate Tribunal. However, the Tribunal dismissed the appeal on July 11, 2024.


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